In the afternoon, Brahmadutt returned home from the king’s court. As per his daily habit, he uttered Shikhi’s name in a melodious voice on entering the house. Everyday, as soon as the father’s voice was heard, Shikhi would run and cling to his father! Brahmadutt would hold Shikhi close to his chest and gave a peck on his forehead. He would caress his soft face affectionately! Then both father and son would go to their room. Brahmadutt would take a bath and change his clothes. Then the servant used to invite them for their meal.
Brahmadutt would say, “Son, let’s have food.”
Father and son would sit together and have their meal. While having food, Brahmadutt would tell Shikhi all kinds of incidents that happened in the king’s court. If something new and strange happened, he would narrate that too!
In the king’s court, artists would come and perform various kinds of arts.
If Brahmadutt knew about some special or interesting program beforehand, then he would tell Shikhi, “Son, tomorrow you have to come with me to the king’s court.”
Shikhi often accompanied Brahmadutt to the king’s court. Sometimes, foreign scholars used to come there to have discussions and debates with the local scholars. Shikhi used to be very interested in such debates.
A great Brahmin scholar named Pingal used to sit in the court of Koshambi. (After the death of Brahmadutt’s father Buddhisagar, King Ajitsen had placed Brahmadutt on the post of leading minister.) It was Brahmadutt who got Pingal a seat in the king’s court, so Pingal had great respect for him. Pingal was very adept at debating. Though he was well-versed with scriptures, he did not believe in the soul, God or afterlife! He was a proponent of the atheist faith. But if there was a debate and the opponent was an atheist, then Pingal would make irrefutable arguments of theism!
Shikhi would listen to all these discussions with great concentration.
• Does the soul have an independent existence?
• Is the soul one or infinite? • Does the soul have an origin or no?
• Is the soul living or non-living?
• Does the soul arise from the five elements or somewhere else?
• Is there a heaven or no?
• Is there a hell or no?
• Is there an afterlife or no?
• Is there salvation or no? If yes, then how is it?
• Does God create the universe or no?
• Does God have an origin or no?
• Is there only living element in the world or are there two elements, living & non-living?
• Is there one God or many?
• Can every soul attain liberation or no?
Debates would keep on happening on such topics. Discussions would go on for days! The decision of winning and losing team would be taken. All this was liked by Shikhi. Sometimes when Pingal came to meet Brahmadutt at home, Shikhi would discuss similar topics with Pingal and shower him with questions. Sometimes, he would ask such questions that even Pingal would get confused.
Then, to maintain his status, he would say, “Shikhi, I have some important work with your father now. So, I will answer your questions later.”
Innocent Shikhi would agree to him!
Pingal was very fond of Shikhi. He knew that Jalini had intense hatred for such a virtuous son.
That’s why he would often tell Brahmadutt, “Shikhi is a gem! You should keep him safely whether his mother wants him or not!”
Brahmadutt liked people who admired Shikhi! Hearing praises of Shikhi, Brahmadutt ’s heart would blossom like a lotus. Seeing Shikhi, the tide of affection would rise in the ocean of his heart!
Today, the voice of Shikhi’s name did not get a response, neither did Shikhi come running. So, Brahmadutt himself went to Shikhi’s room but he wasn’t found there either!
He asked the servant, “Where has Shikhi gone?”
The servant said, “Shikhi had left immediately after your departure. He didn’t even tell me anything!”
“Has he taken anything with him?” asked Brahmadutt.
“No, both his hands were empty. He went in casual clothes.”
Brahmadutt thought, ‘Wherever Shikhi goes, he returns back before I come home. Till date, this discipline has been continuous. Where would he have gone today? Would he have gone to a friend’s house? He might have stayed on his friend’s insistence! Well, I will wait for an hour. Then I’ll look for him again. Maybe he'll be back by then!’
He started walking in the beautiful courtyard of his luxurious mansion!
The servant came and said, “Master, you take a bath and change clothes. Shikhi will return by then.”
Brahmadutt refused. “I will bathe only after Shikhi’s arrival!”
One hour passed. Shikhi did not come home. Now, Brahmadutt was worried.
He immediately called the police and informed, “Shikhi left the house early in the morning and has not returned yet. Look for him in our relatives' and friends' homes and report back to me. Kindly hurry up, I’m worried!”
The police bowed to Brahmadutt and left quickly. Brahmadutt's restlessness was increasing.
A worm of doubt started crawling in his mind, “I hope Shikhi has not gone to his mother! He adores Jalini. What if he felt like meeting his mother and has gone there? Shall I search him there? But even if he had gone there, he would have returned home on time. Because there is more paternal love than maternal devotion in his heart! He returns home before I do.
Then how did this delay happen? What if his mother has done black magic on him? And then locked him in a dark room? That woman can also put him to death. She wanted to get rid of him even when he was in her womb. She is my son’s enemy! I will have to search there as well. Or I’ll have to find out some good excuse and go to my in-law's house. Anway, my father-in-law, Indrasharma is a wise, calm and honest man. But if his daughter keeps him unaware and kills Shikhi, poor minister won’t even come to know.’
After an hour, the police’s horse came and stood in the courtyard of the mansion.
Getting down from the horse, the police bowed to the minister and said, “I searched in almost every relative and friend’s house but couldn’t find Shikhi anywhere. Everyone had the same answer - Shikhi did not come to our house today.”
Brahmadutt asked, “Did you go to Indrasharma’s mansion?”
“Yes! I had gone. I did not go inside the mansion but asked the gatekeeper standing outside.”
“Okay. Now search on the outskirts of the city in all four directions and report back to me as soon as possible.”
Brahmadutt’s heart filled with pain. All kinds of doubts made his mind restless.
He called the servant and said, “Go, call Pingal.”
The servant ran to Pingal’s house! Pingal was resting after having his meal. The servant went and gave him the minister’s message. Pingal immediately stood up. He changed his clothes and left with the servant.
Seeing the servant sad, Pingal asked on the way, “How did the minister remember me at this time?”
The servant said, “Panditji, Shikhi had gone out in the morning and has not returned yet. The minister has neither taken shower nor had his meal. He has not even rested! He looks very worried and is in deep thought!”
Pingal thought, ‘Where would’ve Shikhi gone? Will he have gone himself or has he been kidnapped? Yes, nothing is impossible for Jalini. His father will not be able to live without him. A big disaster has happened!”
Taking quick steps, they reached the mansion. On seeing Pingal, Brahmadutt stood up.
Holding Pingal’s both hands, he said, “Pingal, you are my trust worthy friend.”
“Sir, I am not your friend, I am your servant! Please order.”
“Pingal, Shikhi left the house in the morning and hasn’t returned yet. What would have happened to him?”
The minister’s strong heart had shattered. His eyes were filled with tears.
He said, “Police searched everywhere in the city but Shikhi could not be traced anywhere. I have asked them to search on the outskirts of the city now. But my mind is troubled with some other thought!”
“I also have the same fear. Shikhi’s mother might have got him kidnapped!”
“Maybe not kidnapped. But Shikhi himself might have gone to his mother. He is fond of his mother. And after going there his cruel mother would have…!” There was blood in Brahmadutt’s eyes. His fists were clenched!
“Pingal, I myself shall go to Indrasharma’s house and search every section of his mansion. Even if Shikhi is hidden in the underworld, I will find him out. All I want is that he should be found alive. And if Shikhi is not found alive, then his mother will not remain alive!”
Pingal said, “You don’t need to go to Indrasharmaji’s house, I am going. I will also extract information about Shikhi by talking tactfully with Jalini. Trust me. Just like Shikhi is your son, he is my disciple too!”
“Pingal, you are right. Go as soon as possible and give me the news of Shikhi.”
Pingle left from there. The minister was again caught up in the storm of thoughts! There was immense affection for the son! Since years, he had showered affection on him. The father’s condition had become pathetic due to the separation of his son who was full of charm and virtues. That pain was a million times more than the pain of death. Moreover, Shikhi was despised and abandoned by his mother. In such a situation, Brahmadutt had also given affection on mother’s behalf to Shikhi! It was almost evening.
Pingal returned.
He told the minister, “I went to Indrasharma’s mansion. I met Jalini and spoke to her. But I felt that Shikhi had neither gone there nor has he been kidnapped. I’ll tell more about it later. Now, we must find Shikhi in other places. What if he has gone to the other villages?”
“Pingal, the police must be coming now. We’ll think what to do ahead after taking information from them.”
“You are right.”
It was evening and the police entered the courtyard of the mansion like a storm riding on a horse. Getting off the horse, he ran to the minister!
“Shikhi has been found!”
“Did you find Shikhi? Where did you find him? Why didn’t he come with you? Is he fine? Did he have food?” Showering questions, Brahmadutt looked at the police. Pingal put his hand on the minister’s shoulder.
The police greeted and said, “I went towards the Ashok Park in the east. I thought many young men and women of the royal family go there for a walk in the morning. I entered the park. Looking in all four directions, I started searching for Shikhi. Just then, I saw hundreds of monks towards the west! I went that way. I thought, 'The saints are knowledgeable. I shall ask them where can Shikhi be found?’ But as soon as I went near the Acharya, I saw Shikhi sitting calmly next to him. I saw Acharyaji. It seemed as if his face was shining like the moon and the sun resided in his body. His eyes were sparkling.
I bowed to Shikhi and said, ‘Shikhi, your father is waiting for you. He has neither eaten food nor taken a bath. His condition has become like a fish without water! Come soon with me! I have brought the horse!”
Then Shikhi said, ‘Inform my father that his son has renounced the world. The physical world is full of misfortune and sorrow! That’s why, my mind has become detached. I have surrendered myself at the feet of this Gurudev! I have entrusted my life to them. Give regards to father. I have no hatred towards anyone, I have friendship with all beings.’
I was stunned hearing Shikhi’s sweet and wise words.
My eyes turned moist.
Shikhi told me, 'Why are you crying? I’m moving ahead on a good path. My father will be glad on knowing this. Yes, the separation of loved ones hurts. But my father is wise and knowledgeable. He will soon be free from the pain of my separation. He has done huge favours on me. I don’t know when I will be able to repay those favours! But I will definitely repay. You go soon and inform about me! Acharya Shri Vijaysinh has halted in this park. I am going to stay with him!’ Master, now you do whatever you feel appropriate!”
The police went and stood on one side.
Brahmadutt looked in front of Pingal.
Pingal said, “Let us go to Ashok Park. I will explain Shikhi. If needed, I will also have a debate with the Acharya. We will convince Shikhi and bring him back home.”
Brahmadutt said, “Pingal, it is not appropriate to go to the Acharya in such a causal way! I am the minister of the state. I shall get ready to go according to my status and glory! Acharyaji should also come to know that Shikhi is not a boy from an ordinary house. He is the only son of the minister of Koshambi!
So get the elephant ready. Police, you too get ready with fifty horses! Take rice, coconut and other items with you for worshiping Acharyaji. And take food for Shikhi. I will also have my meal with him in the park!