Chapter Five

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    I woke with the worst headache of my life. Simply moving any part of my body cause my brain to feel like it was being stepped on by an elephant. I didn't dare open my eyes for fear of my life actually ending and tried to get a sense of the time by listening to the sounds outside my tent. Even the sunlight coming through the thin walls blinded me and I was fortunate I couldn't hear anything because I was pretty sure it would cause my ears to bleed.

My hands were weak and oddly stiff as I sluggishly felt around my bed for my phone. I allowed my eyelids to open a crack to check the time once I hand my phone in my hand, but couldn't make anything out.

What the actual fuck is wrong with me?

Then I remembered the last thing I saw last night before everything went blank...


I whipped my head to the side and almost threw up from the agony but I needed to make sure she wasn't here. She wasn't.

Thank Fuck. Maybe I imagined it.

In fact, the entire night was a blur. I couldn't decipher between what did and didn't happen. I certainly didn't remember getting back to my tent, or leaving Kevin's site for that matter. I haphazardly dropped my legs over the side of my air-mattress, spit the bile that shot up my throat like a rocket into the T-shirt I was wearing yesterday that was heaped up in a ball near my feet, and realized I was naked. Which did not please me. I prayed nothing happened last night with Jessie after seeing her in here last night. Being naked was odd considering it was so cold last night. Not to mention I had zero recollection of taking anything off.

What the hell is going on?

I couldn't remember the last time I had slept naked. I must have been flat on my ass last night.

I hope I didn't do anything stupid.

I felt around my bag, blindly, trying to find my bottle of Excedrin as images of me, sitting at the party with Brooke, ran through my hazy recollection of last night. I vaguely remember making eye contact with her, but couldn't remember if it was real or a dream.

She must think so little of me now.

Showing my age through the inability to hold liquor was a hard pass for most people. I somehow managed to open the pills with more than enough difficulty and placed two on my tongue very carefully in the hopes of not triggering a gag response and swallowed them down with the rest of my water.

Maybe this is for the best. She's a no go anyway. This was a blessing in disguise. I don't even remember walking back! Good thing I didn't get lost, or worse, pass out at someone else's site.

Bile rose up into my mouth again so brought my shirt up to my mouth again and vaguely made out what appeared to be a pair of underwear on the floor near my shoes. Girl's underwear. My heart sank into my stomach.

Oh my God. She was here! Did I hook up with Jessie while heavily intoxicated? No. There is no way in hell I'd forget fucking someone. No matter how drunk I was. Right? Oh my God did I not use a condom? FUCK!

I covered my face with my bathing suit and tried not to cry like a child as I lowed my back down onto the bed. I looked down at my penis to check for any signs of sex, but I was in no shape to make an real conclusions. I wasn't sure if I had the energy to stand without hurling, and I knew I had to avoid that at all costs. Not only did I despise vomiting, cleaning it up would give a whole new meaning to the word shame.

I've had plenty to drink in my life to know this wasn't like me. I also knew that this was not a typical hangover. I managed to put both feet back into my bathing suit while laying down and shimmed them up to my waste with he dexterity of a two year old. Someone started talking outside but I couldn't make out who it was over the sudden ruckus of what sounded like three-thousand crows right outside my tent.

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