Starter chapter

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"Butters!" I yelled catching up to my friend. "Huh? Oh! Hiya kenny!" He greeted. I smiled at him.

Me and Butters have been friends since kindergarten. We usually didn't have time to hang out, but I would walk him to and from school sometimes.

He used to hang out with me and my friends, but then he found another little group to hang out around.

The group consisted of, Butters, Bebe, tweek, and pip. They called themselves "The blond squad".

Sometimes Timmy, Jimmy, and Clyde would hang out with them too. And craig would sometimes join them, of course only for tweek.

I honestly wanted to join them. My friends were all shitty assholes who only cared about themselves.

In fact, when butters used to hang out with us, they would bully him. Mostly Cartman. Stan would sometimes be nice to him, but only when he wanted something.

The people I hung out with were, Kyle, Stan, Cartman, Red, Heidi, and Wendy. I could tolerate Red and Heidi, but I mostly blocked myself from the group.

Luckily I had things to keep me busy. Such as being a superhero.

A dumb game all of us kids started when we were younger. But that game slowly progressed to real life.

The villains would do something terrible, like set the town on fire, and it was up to me to save everyone.

As for the other wannabe heros, they thought they were helping. They would only make things worse.

They also called themselves mysterion's team, even though they knew I worked alone.

Mysterion is me. Kinda like batman, but better. Everyone (except the police and villians) loved mysterion.

Talking about the villains, how about I introduce them. There's the coon, which thinks he's a hero, professor chaos, who knows he's a villain and is happy with it.

General Dissaray, Professor Chaos' henchman, Fastpass, mosquito, super craig, and lastly human kite.

Moving onto 'my team' we have call girl, toolshed, wonder tweek, doctor Timothy (who used to be a villain), Tupperware, and mintberry crunch.

The only ones on the team that take things seriously are Tupperware and wonder tweek. As well as mintberry crunch at times.

The others are just in it for 'fun'.

I also had almost everybody's identities figured out. It wasn't that hard.

Doctor Timothy was Timmy, Tupperware is Tolkien, call girl is Wendy, wonder tweek is tweek, super criag is craig, and fastpass is Jimmy.

I also assumed that the coon was Eric cartman, since they were both fat.


I sat in class staring off into space. Ms. Choksondik was yelling at me for not paying attention.

She was spending way too much time on me. There were plenty of other kids that weren't paying attention, why didn't she yell at them?

I rolled my eyes as she yelled at me, telling me I was never going to have a future. Well guess what? You're never going to get any dick.

She continued to yell at me for the rest of the lesson. Thankfully the bell rang before she could rant about my family.

I sighed as I walked to the lunchroom. Once I entered, I was greeted by teenagers screaming, talking loudly, and grinding on one another.

I rolled my eyes at them. Their stupidity amazed me. I went to the table that I normally sit at.

Kyle was yelling at cartman for a dumb jew joke that he made. Stan was making out with Wendy. Red and Heidi were the only ones under control.

"Hey kenny," Heidi said giving me a smile. I smiled back at her. Her and red were the ones that acted normally, sometimes Wendy.

"Hello!" I greeted them. Cartman stopped fighting with Kyle and looked at me. He had over a dozen chips and cookies on his tray.

"Hey- hey look guys!" He yelled. Everyone put their attention on him. "Kinny's too poor to afford lunch! Again!" He laughed.

"Shut up fatass," I said. "Kinny, nobody understands shit that you say!" Cartman said, continuing to laugh.

"Eric! That wasn't very nice!" Heidi scolded him. "Jeez, I was just joking Heidi!" Cartman yelled, getting defensive.

I stood up. "Where are you going?" Kyle asked. "I don't know," I told him. I doubt he understood because he just nodded and turned to talk to red.

I decided to head outside. Some of the non loud students were having their lunch there. Craig's gang (and nichole) were under a tree.

Craig was showing tweek something on his phone, Clyde was cuddled up against Tolkien and nichole was feeding Clyde chips as she talked to Tolkien.

I smiled at them. My friends were nothing like that. If I ever tried to have a heart felt conversation they would either laugh or not listen.

I turned the corner and saw butters. He was hanging out with bebe, Jimmy, and Timmy. I heard butters let out a small laugh.

My heart skipped a beat and my pupils practically turned into hearts. A big smile crept onto my face.

I had liked butters for the longest time. I went up behind them and cleared my throat. They all turned to look at me.

Butters face lit up when he saw me. "Hiya ken!" He exclaimed. "Hey butters," I said patting his head. "Can we help you?"

Bebe asked. "Uh, I was just wondering if I could have lunch with you guys," I said. She glared at me. "Of course you can!" Butters said happily.

Bebe opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it. She ate her food. Jimmy told a joke and everyone laughed. Bebe talked about fashion and stuff.

I mostly stared at butters. There was something magnetic about him. He just drew me in every time.

He started talking about how he's been wanting a new Hello kitty plushie. Normally, people would laugh at him. But nobody did. Bebe agreed and said she'd buy it for him, and Timmy and Jimmy were being good listeners.

I felt really safe around them. They didn't judge eachother for their instrests, instead they listened.

It made me realize how shitty my friends are even more. And even though butters said it was okay to join them, I knew they weren't comfortable around me.

I decided not to speak. I would just end up saying something dumb anyway. Not that they could understand me but...

As I was thinking, I felt something heavy on my shoulder. I turned and saw butters' head laying on my shoulder.

My heart rate started to get faster. I think he noticed because he said, "Kenny, are you okay? Your heart is beating unusually fast."

He placed his hand on my chest, to feel my heart. My face started to get redder, thankfully they couldn't see that.

"Kenny?" Butters asked. "I'm fine! I'm just a!" I quickly said. Butters perked an eyebrow up. "Hot? In the middle of winter?" He asked with a laugh.

"Y-yeah, my parkas really heavy!" I lied. He shrugged it off and continued talking to his friends. Bebe glared at me and then smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. I listened to butters talk about Hello kitty, until the bell rang. "See you tomorrow," I told him. "Bye kenny!" He said happily.

I waved him goodbye as I walked into the school.

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