Who are you?

726 22 33

Kenny McCormick

What the fuck?

He said my name. He said my real name. How did he know? I did everything to hide who I was.

How did he find out? Was it someone I knew? All of these thoughts were driving me crazy.

I needed to figure out who chaos was asap. It was bad that he had figured out my identity. What if he hurt someone I loved?

Like Butters! I can't let that happen to butters! But where would I start?

I sighed and sat up. It was currently three in the morning and I hadn't slept one bit.

I stood up and walked to my window. I couldn't live knowing that chaos knew who I was.

I opened my window to let some fresh air in. It was getting hard to breath. I closed my eyes.

"Boo," someone said. I instantly opened my eyes and saw chaos upside down. I nearly jumped out of my skin.

He jumped and stood in front of my window right side up. "So, was I right? Is that you mysterion?"

He smirked. "What are you talking about?" I asked. Maybe if I denied it he would leave me alone. "Oh don't play dumb. You know exactly what I'm talking about,"

He barked. I rolled my eyes. "Could I come in? It's cold.." he muttered softly. I blushed and my hands started to sweat.

I nodded and he smiled. Oh God. His smile...it could light up the whole world. He climbed in carefully.

The corners of my lips tugged upwards but I stopped myself from smiling. I closed my window and he sat on my matress.

"Who are you?" I asked taking a seat next to him. He furrowed his eyebrows and bit his lip nervously.

"I can't tell you," he muttered. "Why not?" I asked rubbing his back. He tensed up but relaxed after a couple seconds.

"You'll hate me." I frowned. "What do you mean?" He tensed up again and pulled his knees up to his chest.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes. "You won't like me if I reveal my identity...you'll be sad," he mumbled.

"Could you give me a hint?" He sighed and stared up at me. "You like me..we're friends," he smiled.

That didn't really give me anything. "I need you to be at school on Saturday. Nine a.m," he told me. "Why?" I curiously asked.

"You'll see." I nodded and stared off into space. Then he rested his head on my shoulder.

What do I do? I wrapped my arm around him and brought us closer. This is...nice.

"I should get going. See you on Saturday," he said rubbing one eye. I kissed him softly.

He was surprised but kissed back. We both pulled away with big smiles. "Bye kenny," he said walking over to my window and opening it.

"Bye chaos!" He smiled at me before jumping out. I got up and closed my window.

I jumped onto my matress happily. I felt so flustered. His lips were soft, unlike mine that were extremely chapped.

I just wanted to hold him and protect him. Even though he's a pretty wanted criminal. I couldn't help but giggle as I thought of him.

Oh God, I really was turning into a thirteen year old girl...

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short! I've been kinda busy, just hanging out with friends before school starts. Talking about school I will have less time to post chapters becuase of it, but I will try my best!anyway I'll promise to make the next chapter longer!!

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