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110 AC, King's Landing

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110 AC, King's Landing.

The Targaryen princess stepped inside one of the many pleasure houses in Flea bottom,  eyes red from crying and heart broken, knowing well that what happened was her decision and more  importantly her fault..

She searched for the owner of the pleasure house with an unsteady walk due to her already being intoxicated she came up for the owner looking her up and down.

"Rytsas gevie" 'hello beautiful'. Daella says causing the woman to look up at her, eyes sudently widening, resulting in the rogue princess's smirk to widen.

"Oh my fucking gods, The Lady of Flea Bottom back from the dead." Mysaria says with a thick lyseni accent making Daella groan already annoyed.

"Oh my fucking gods, my favorite lyseni whore and do not call me that I was only three and ten you cunt." Daella mocked "Now Mys, you do not tell anyone that I am back at the capital especially not Otto Cunttower, I will give you gold for your silence and even more gold for a jug of ale." Daella adds causing Mysaria to stifle a laugh at her intoxicated old friend, rolling her eyes. "And even more ale for a whore"- "no not ale gold"- " and not just one but two. Yes, yes two I am in dire need for a cu-"

"Alright!!!!!!! Get in one of the fucking rooms not the tents and then I will send you lots of them, you choose how many you want." Mysaria interrupted the Targaryen princess' rambling by adding again "Your little brother comes here to fuck me every night and I do believe you do not wish that he sees you for the first time in six and ten years knuckles deep into some whore's cunt."

Not getting the reaction she expected from the princess who was way too drunk to even understand what her old friend was speaking of, Mysaria went to find some whores whilst Daella dragged herself into one of the many rooms of the pleasure house. A few moments later a knock was heard, trying her best to give an answer but Daella could not, Mysaria who was waiting with the many whores outside the room took it upon herself to open the door finding Daella struggling with her cloak but instead of helping her she just stood at the door and watched.

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