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110 AC, Dragonstone

My heart filled with sadness,

 I missed something. Something was missing, something important. 

Something that filled me with nostalgia and relief.

It was my home.

I missed my home and the memories that accompanied it.

 I missed my past and all the times I had lived there. 

I missed the person I used to be.

 I missed how it felt.

 I missed the sense of belonging.

I have returned home.

And yet it feels...


Daella landed Meraxes upon the sand of Dragonstone followed by Daenerys and Aegarax, Daeron and Gaelithox. The Black Wyrm opened her wings allowing her rider to get to the ground, the sand felt warm as she moved her feet through it even though the sun had already begun to set. She could not believe it. She had finally come back home. She felt like something had hit her as the wave of homesickness washed over her. The memories started to flood back, Baelon and Alyssa taking her for a ride on Vhagar and Meleys. Her first flight on Meraxes with Viserys on Balerion. Her and...Daemon, her twin brother, her other half... All those years away.. all those year without him... holding back that one tear threatening to slip out Daella went down to one knee taking a bit of sand in her palm making sure she was not dreaming...and that she had finally made it back home.

Daella continued onward towards the castle looking around at the dragon statues that have been at the castle since even before The Black Dread hatched, reaching back to the days of Old Valyria. After making her way through the great door she began walking up the steps,  the same steps she used almost six and ten years ago, where she almost gave up if not for Rhaenys and...Aemma. Once she reached the top, she took in the view, It was the first time in so many years, but still felt just like home... does it? She remembered all the moments she had there, the happy ones and the others.

Nodding to the Dothraki standing at the gates to open them, they all moved to let her through the gates alone. Walking through the gates to Dragonstone and looking up at the castle,  It was a sight to behold. The castle she had seen for most of her life now towering above her after so many years away.  It was like it had never changed and yet it did. But it was home.  She could not help but tear up again. She had to take a moment to stop that same tear from almost slipping again.

Finally stepping inside the castle, seeing those halls where she used to run in, the walls where she used to hide behind refusing to sleep resulting in Alyssa and Baelon to panic fearing something had happened to their only daughter, their pride. Or those same walls where her and queen alysanne hung Daella's first painting. It was still there, a painting of Queen Alysanne, Prince Baelon, Princess Alyssa, Princess Gael, Maester Vaegon, Septa Rhaella, Prince Aemon, Princess Rhaenys, Aemma Arryn, Daemon, Viserys and Daella all dressed in Targaryen colors with Alysanne wearing Queen Visenya's Valyrian Steel circlet. The Targaryen Princess stares at the painting longingly missing the old days, missing the family she once had, the family that will never be the same only because of the stranger. She looked around at the decorations on the walls and the tapestries hung from the ceilings. She saw many of the servants cowered in fear and hurried out of the way as she walked. She could sense the fear in the air, but she kept walking.

After a moment, she proceeds walking until she arrives at the doors of the Throne Room. The rogue princess enters the throne room then nods to Rakharo who immediately complies and closes the great doors shut leaving him, some other Dothraki men, Daella , her children and one particular old friend alone in the throne room.

Daella walked into the throne room and headed for the stairs. She felt the eyes of the Dothraki upon her as she made her way to the stairs. She stepped upon the first step and continued on up.The Dragon Princess then reached the throne, placing on hand on the ancient seat, she took a deep breath before turning to look at her companions and then sitting The Dragonstone Throne.

"Mōris" 'finally'.  The princess said. "Dany, jikagon iā vōljes naejot se dārys tegorīr ivestragon Visērȳs jaelan zirȳla kesīr se tubis tolī hemtubis syt nyke gīmigon ziry dōrī māzigon va zaldrīzes arlī" ' Dany, send a raven to King's Landing, tell Viserys I expect him to be here in two days time for I know he would never get on dragonback.'

"hen rhinka muña" 'of course mother'

"Dae, nyke jorrāelagon naejot ȳdragon lēda se havor vēttan se bartos dohaeriros se se Giēñatī. Maghagon zirȳ syt nyke." 'Dae, I need to speak with the cook, the head maid and the maester. Bring them to me.'  The princess told her son who nodded his head and left.

"Are yeri ki jinak khaleesi?" 'Are you certain of this khaleesi?' asked Rakharo.

"Sek. jini anna disse finne zhorre fin anha zala" 'Yes. This is mine only chance at getting what I want, what i deserve.'

"bisa iksis se bōsa tymptir Daea. Istin ao rhaenagon kostā daor keligon" 'This is the long game Daea, once you begin you can not stop'. answered Ilyrio.

"Oh kēlītsos eman issare tymagon bisa tymptir syt iā bōsa jēda. Gaomā daor jorrāelagon naejot zūgagon nūmāzma nyke yn nūmāzma ñuha qrinuntyssy syt sir lo nyke isse mittys Visērȳs, kessi zūgagon skoros kostan gaomagon' 'Oh kitten, I have been playing this game for a long time, you need not worry for me but for those who will stand against me for if I succeed in fooling Viserys... They should fear what else I might be capable of." The Targaryen princess replied chuckling.


I know it's taking really long and the chapters are really short but I'm working on it.

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