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 110AC, Dragonstone

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110AC, Dragonstone.

The silver haired man pulled her up, realizing he had gone too far. "Do you realize that I almost drowned you?" he growled, his voice low and hoarsest, "Do you understand how close you are to dying." Daemon was furious but he could not argue with her. "I could try for a hundred years and not get close to hurting you like you have hurt me," he said through gritted teeth, "but you are still a fool to think I will take your insults and mockery lying down."

Daella smiled to herself as she saw the rage in her twin's eyes, and for the first time, she was glad that she had mocked and insulted him.

"Well, I can see that I have truly hurt you," she said, her voice dripping with mockery, "you are so angry, and you cannot hurt me the way you want. I have mocked you, and you can do nothing. You may have the strength of a dragon, but you are weak when it comes to me, Issa jorrāelagon." 'my love'

"Oh, valonqar, you are so blind with rage, as I want you to be," she mocked, "you cannot see that your own words tell me everything I needed to know. You loved me, but I broke that love and destroyed every chance of fixing it. Daemon you are so blind, so angry, so..." 'little brother'

Daella paused as she searched her mind for the right word. Stupid she thought, but something else would be better.

"...so foolish," she said finally, her voice dripping with scorn. "You are still in love with me, are you not? You are blinded by your rage. You only see me as that little girl who you could take to wife, the girl who you could protect and save. But I am not that girl, I never was. I am someone who is beyond your protection, someone that you could never control."

The prince was silent, fuming with anger. He had always been the protector; now not only had she mocked him, but she was telling him that he could not protect her. "I am not yours anymore, never was," she said, her tone challenging. " I do not need you Daemon and I do not want you." The older twin stared straight into his eyes, daring him to try and refute her.

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