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110 AC, Dragonstone.

Daella walked hallways of Dragonstone before arriving at the kitchens of the castle where she saw the cooks and workers finishing everything up perfectly, but Daella being Daella decided to traumatise the poor souls.The cooks were scared and nervous as they prepared everything as Daella instructed. The woman was terrifyingly cold,  they were afraid to do anything wrong as they knew she was unpredictable and could easily kill them if they did. They worked quickly and efficiently to ensure that everything was perfect for the arrivals of Viserys and his travel companions.

"Make sure everything is ready. I need it to be perfect." The Targaryen princess reminded them for the hundredth time.

"Of course, princess. We will have it done as soon as possible." answered one of the cooks.

"I expect it to be done before noon, or else.. well Meraxes would love her some beautiful people such as yourselves. Make sure to only use the finest ingredients, no cutting corners or trying to save time. I want the best possible food and drinks prepared for my brother and his party."

"Of course you grace."

Daella walked over to one of the servants and took her by the hand, leading her around a corner so that they could speak privately. In a cold, stern voice, Daella told the girl that if the man who had been brazenly stuffing his face with lemon cakes the night before came to her with a vile, she was to secretly mix it in the wine shocking the poor girl.The cook's hands trembled and she looked at Daella with fear in her eyes. She begged Daella not to make her do such a terrible thing, but she knew that if she did not comply the consequences would be severe. She felt trapped and helpless and did not know what to do. Daella continued to stare at the cook, her eyes cold and unwavering, and she made it clear that she expected this task to be completed.

"Your name is Dyana hm?" with a little smile on her face.

"ye-yes your grace I-"

"how old are you jorrāelagon?" 'love' Daella asked holding gently the girl shaking hands.

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