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Wednesday and I returned to our dorm room where she wrote down her thoughts about the investigation. I fell asleep that night as it was late and my head was full of ideas after the encounter with the Nightshade society and how Xavier was a part of it. I met Enid in the courtyard the following day while waiting for the envelopes detailing our jobs for Outreach Day. It was a community day for Nevermore students to connect with the people of Jericho. Headmaster Weems clapped her hands to gain everyone's attention while the envelopes with descriptions of our jobs were passed around.

"All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10 a.m. sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1." She paused to give the words a moment to sink in. "As you know, this year Outreach Day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermore students." I already knew that my twin would be playing cello for the event as I had been informed previously by Weems. I opened my letter to see that I would be working at the Weathervane, where my sister had tried to escape from with Tyler. "As representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best foot forward," Weems finished her speech.

"Yes! I got Pilgrim World," Enid exclaimed. "I have natural people skills and a love of performing, so it's kind of the obvi choice." She attempted to tone down her excitement in a very humble sentence. "What'd you get?" She asked Wednesday and I.

"The Weathervane," I responded.

"Uriah's Heap, whatever that is," Wednesday replied.

"Ew, it's this weird, creepy antique store. You'll love it though and you have an amazing one at the Weathervane, Friday! I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching together!" I could tell she definitely had a huge crush on the gargon. He was sometimes cute with how he acted.

Wednesday pulled me aside from Enid for a moment to speak with me privately. "Do not engage in your hopeless romantics with Xavier, stay on topic and, preferrably, don't speak with him."

"I am free to do as I want, Wednesday. You're certainly not in charge of me and I will speak with the people I want to. How did you even know Xavier was going there too? I didn't even know that." She didn't reply and only shrugged her shoulders in response as Principal Weems approached.

"Wednesday, don't worry about your cello. I'll have it brought to the town square this afternoon." She had her usual painted red, bright smile. Weems' hands were clasped together and resting against her legs.

"My cello?" My twin questioned, slightly surprised by the comment.

"I caught your rooftop serenade the other night. Impressive. I volunteered you to accompany the Jericho High School marching band at the ceremony. I'm sure it won't be too challenging to play an uplifting Fleetwood Mac melody," she maintained the signature smile on her face as she spoke.

"As long as you promise to hang me as a witch afterwards," was my sister's reply of agreement.

We entered Jericho and walked around to find where Weems would give another speech. On the way, we found Xavier staring at one of the brick walls. "Why are you staring at a blank wall?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

He didn't look back at us to respond and continued with a solemn expression. "It wasn't blank last Outreach Day."

"Are you still stewing because we rejected your invitation?" Wednesday asked, mentioning the rejection of the Nightshades.

"I did go out on a limb for you." He stopped his staring and turned to face us, staring directly at me, probably expecting me to feel guilty.

"Please. We're just cannon fodder in whatever Cold War you're waging with Bianca." I found this statement of my twin's a bit harsh considering the circumstances. And a bit hypocritical based on our interactions with Bianca. "I have more pressing issues?"

"Like what?" Xavier asked as we all began walking toward the bleachers. I did somewhat feel bad for him.

"Tracking down the monster that killed your roommate," I answered after his lies of believing me proved to be false.

"Oh my gosh. For the last time, Rowan was expelled. Everyone saw him leave." Except Wednesday and I had seen him killed and knew that stranger things have happened than him showing up again.

"Have you spoken to him since?" My twin questioned, staring at him intently.

"I texted him a few times, but I never heard back. I just figured he wanted Nevermore in his rear view mirror." This hopeful explanation just held me further see his naïveté. If Rowan had valued him, he would still respond to messages.

Wednesday stated the truth plainly. "Or he's dead."

"I don't know why you care. It's not like you knew the guy." He was now becoming defensive over the claim that we didn't know him well enough.

"I'm not sure why you care so little," I replied. "People can dismiss us and make a million other excuses but we aren't going to stop."

Wednesday pulled out the Nightshades book we had found with Rowan's drawings. "Oh, great, I guess you can add 'thief' to your resume," Xavier added, after seeing the book. "I don't know what the big deal is about an old Nightshade's journal anyways."

"You didn't seem surprised when I showed you this last night. You've seen it before, haven't you?" My sister accused him, to which he didn't reject.

"Yeah, a couple days before the Harvest festival. It was open on Rowan's desk. I assumed he stole it after we kicked him out of the Nightshades. Then I confronted him about it, and he kind of went ballistic on me."

"He threw you against the wall with his telekinesis." I questioned how my sister knew this before thinking that she might've had a vision of some sort.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" The brunette asked, not understanding her powers.

"Lucky guess." My twin gave a little shrug, waiting for him to continue.

"It's weird that you're in this. This journal is like, what, 30 years old," he paused and pointed to the other man in the photo. "What's Crackstone doing in the picture with you?"

"You know who that is?" I piped in, having pondered the question of who he was repeatedly. Wednesday and I hadn't been able to figure it out.

"Yeah, it's Joseph Crackstone. He's, like, Jericho's founding father. He's a big deal around here. Yeah, look," he pointed at a statue with a man in a robe and top hat was sculpted. "That's him."

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