【T H E C O L L E C T O R】

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  Hurt was evident in Rocket's eyes. 

  [Y/n] had moved away from beside him, moving closer to Quill, of all people. Rocket scoffed, which was barely heard from the female. She kept her arms crossed as she walked, the pink-skinned lady leading them to the collector. The buyer for the orb. Hopefully, at least. 

  ''We house the galaxy's largest collection of fauna, relics and species of all manner.''

  Rocket passes by a strange creature. A hairy one in a space suit. He growls at it before moving on.

  [Y/n] is nerved by the amount of strange things in the room. Whether it's a random creature looking at her, or a plant that doesn't smell right. Goosebumps ran up her spine. She looked back when Quill tapped her shoulder. 

  Making a swift finger movement to his shoulder, [Y/n] grabbed his finger and Quill swung her around so that she could stand on his shoulder. Despite earlier predicaments, [Y/n] had felt a little more safe knowing that Quill would be sacrificed before herself. 

    The lady leading them around, also known as Carina, had led them to a large room. One which would've seemed a lot bigger, if it wasn't for the mass amount of random objects taking up the walls and most of the space. A lonely desk sits in the middle. 

  To the side, another figure stood. Wearing mainly black attire with a coat of white fur. [Y/n] stopped herself when Peter pried her paw off his head. She gave him an apologetic look. 

  Rocket had seen it. And he didn't know what to think. There was that feeling again, deep down. He didn't know what to make of it. 

  Carina spoke again. ''I present to you, Taneleer Tivan, the Collector.''

  He slowly whisked himself around to face the group. He looked just as stuck-up as he did when he was faced the other direction. His white spiked hair matching with the fur coat around his shoulders. 

  Him and Gamora walked towards each other. ''Oh, my dear Gamora. How wonderful to meet in the flesh.'' He charmed, kissing her hand afterwards.

  Gamora was unfazed by the action and his words. ''Let's bypass the formalities, Tivan. We have what we discussed.''

  Though, his gaze was focused elsewhere. Upon his new muse, Groot. 

  Tivan's eyes sparkled as he looked up to the walking plant. ''What is that thing there?''

  ''I am Groot.''

  ''I never thought I'd meet a Groot. Sir, you must allow me to pay you now so that I may own your carcass. At the moment of your death, of course.''

  Everyone was taken aback by the comment by Tivan. Well, all besides Gamora for the main part. 

  ''I am Groot.''

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