Chapter I: Sacrificed Upon The Altar

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You stumbled forward a bit, as one of the Bishop's followers had shoved you, telling you to go and kneel before their idol.

You slowly walked to the altar, head down and hands held in chains.

Once you'd reached the four Bishops, the Executioner watched and you fell on your knees.

Shamura went on about something of you being sacrificed, but you weren't listening. You stared at Heket, silently begging for her to not let her siblings do this with tears now streaming down your face.

Heket couldn't bare to look at you any longer, so she turned her head away and closed her eyes.

You knew her love was a lie from the start, but you'd tricked yourself into thinking it was genuine. She was a god, you were an insignificant follower, and a lamb at that. Once you died, you knew she'd just get another follower to marry. Still, after years of loving and being loved by her, it hurt to know she gave you up without a fight.

You close your eyes as the Executioner walks towards you, raising his axe to the sky before-

The axe swings down, slicing your head clean off. The last of your species, dead. But not for long.

You open your eyes, and squint a little, given you are now in some heavenly looking place.

You turn around and see a tall figure, slouching in chains in the close distance. It yanks and pulls on it's chains.

You walk toward it, now having nothing to lose.

Once the tall cat spots you, it stops trying to break it's chains keeping it held to the floor and smiles.

"They tried to keep you away in death, but only brought you right to me."

You step back a little, not only intimidated by this huge three-eyed cat, but also his two supposed followers who were staring daggers into you.

"Be not afraid little lamb. For you are already dead, but I still have need for you."

Once you had bit bit of time to think, you pieced together what was happening.

This huge god-like cat was The One Who Waits, the fifth Bishop who was banished from the world of the living. You remember hearing about how he'd slit Heket's throat.

The One Who Waits beckons you closer.

"I can give you life again, but at a price. All I ask is that you start a cult in my name. Do we have a deal?"

You thought for a moment. The One Who Waits noticed your hesitation.

"Now, don't you want revenge of my sister for the fate she has bestowed upon you? After all of that time you spent loving and caring for her, she gave you up without a second thought. This opportunity will grant you revenge on each of my siblings. So, do we have a deal?"

The One Who Waits bent over a little to stare directly at you, a sinister smile on his face.

"... A-Absolutely." You said nervously.

The One Who Waits let out a terrifying chuckle.

"Good... I will not give you my crown, for you are not worthy of it. I can however use your blood that is spilt upon my siblings' altar to make a crown all your own."

You look to the ground and nod.

A small pentagram appears on the ground in front of you.

It's shape is (whatever you want) and the eye is a bright shade of (F/C).

The crown flips itself around and floats up into the air a bit before coming back down and landing atop your head.

"Now, GO."

The One Who Waits sends you off, back to the land of the living.

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