Chapter VII: Anchordeep

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You made your way through small areas of Kallamar's lands, Anchordeep, beating enemies into the ground one by one.

After a few little sections of your underwater crusade, you were met with none other than Kallamar himself.

Kallamar looked near livid, but you knew it was an act to scare you away. You've know Kallamar since dating.... Never mind.

Kallamar let out a small huff, little bubbles of air floating upwards to who knows where.

"He has sent many vessels like you. One after the other, they all fall. You have gotten further than most, granted."

Kallamar's crown was slightly askew, so you pointed it out, not saying a word.

Kallamar stared confused for a moment before looking up and fixing his crown.

Kallamar cleared his throat.

"As I was saying... I shall enjoy watching your cult rot from the inside! A disease upon them!"

Once summoned, Amdusias set his eyes on you suspended in the air, and the "almighty" Bishop Kallamar staring down at them.

Amdusias shrunk down in fear.

"[Y-Y/N], what's going on? I-I'm scared."

Kallamar waved his hand a bit and watched as Amdusias turned a sickly pale. They put their arms around their stomach and slouched over a bit.

"I-I don't feel too good..."

Amdusias sounded on the verge of tears.

Kallamar sent Amdusias away before disappearing himself.

You couldn't just continue with your crusade knowing Amdusias was forcing themselves to work through their pain.

You used your new crown ability to teleport back to your cult to tend to Amdusias.

You reappeared at your cult and looked around for Amdusias, and find them you did, working in your recently built Lumberyard.

You walked up to Amdusias and dismissed them of their work. You put your hand on Amdusias's shoulder and let them over to their tent.

You tucked them in and left a thermometer in their mouth, so other followers could make sure Amdusias wasn't too hot while you were gone on crusades.

You patted Amdusias's head lightly. "Are you comfortable?" You asked. It was a simple question, but anyone would be able to tell that you care just from those few words.

Amdusias deliriously smiled up at you. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you."

Amdusias's voice was a bit hoarse, making you gave them a sympathetic look before running back to Anchordeep.

Now, you didn't feel as if you'd regret killing Kallamar and his little monsters. Hurting you is one thing, but hurting your follower, your best friend, is a whole other.

You slashed through enemy after enemy, before finally reaching Saleos, a little jellyfish you'd used to hang out with, now disgustingly mutated, no longer having any trace of humanity or thought.

You stared in slight horror at the stakes stabbed into their head, blood gushing from the wounds.

But I digress, you swiftly attacked Saleos as many times as you could, trying to end this quickly.

After a few minutes of back and forth, killing little enemies Saleos summoned and getting them out of the way before swinging at Saleos themselves, they were finally defeated.

You watched as the monstrosity that was once Saleos, fall and turn into Saleos once more.

They looked up at you, still down on the ground. "[Y/N]! Y-You bare a crown I-I've never seen before.."

You nod before sending them away.

After heading back to your cult, you indoctrinated Saleos and left them to roam around, worship you, work, whatever they wanted to do.

After sending Saleos to do whatever, you went over to check on Amdusias.

They were asleep, so you took the thermometer out of their mouth and read their temperature.

103° F
(39° C)

You sighed and layed the thermometer down next to them, not wanting to wake them up just to put a thermometer back in their mouth.

As soon as nightfall came, you sat next to Amdusias's tent.

You just couldn't bring yourself to just leave them there to die.

Leave them there to die...

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