Chapter 1 - Finally 18

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8th of July 2021

It is 12am on the 8th of July 2021 I have finally turned 18. I've been waiting for this exact moment for 5 years and 7 months planning out what I would do, what I would say. I know I'm ready, I have been building up the courage to do this for years. Now is the time, no turning back. I walk out of my room which is dimly lit only by my LED strip lights, I squint when I walk out of the room, it's so bright. Then, I walk down the stairs, and out the door each step feels like an hour as I cross my street and knock on my neighbours door. 


I'm sitting in the living room, it's late, but I can't sleep. There's a knock at the door so I look out the window to check who it is. There she is, standing there, waiting in the cold. She's shivering and looks so nervous, so scared. Immediately, I'm worried so I jump off of the couch. This girl means so much to me, I would protect her with my life. She's so fucking pretty it hurts, but she's too young for me, 5 years too young, well maybe 2 years too young, but still. I'm so concerned wondering if she's ok, if she's hurt, I would kill anyone who even tried to touch her.


He opens the door, a concerned look on his face, "Why are you here so late?" He's always acting like he cares about me, maybe he does, I feel like if I was ever in trouble he would be there immediately and I guess he always has been. "I need to talk to you," I respond. He looks at me blankly, clearly confused. "Come with me," I tell him. Walking down his steep driveway, he follows obediently behind me. I'm a little bit nervous but I've been waiting for this forever. Once we are out of sight of my neighbours and family, I turn to him and ask, "I was wondering... do you have a girlfriend?"

He looks at me confused but still replies, "No."

I look up at him with a smirk on my face, "Well, would you want to go on a date with me?"

"How old are you?" he asks.

"I'm 18," I respond, nervous that he might think I'm way too young, but to be fair I am legally an adult and I can't back down now, I've loved him for way too long.

"And when did you turn 18?" he questions.

Looking down at my phone, I say, "7 minutes ago."


I don't know why she's doing this. But I am perfectly fine with it. I've liked her for years. Maybe the subtle flirting has finally payed off. Though she probably hasn't realised. I didn't think she would ever see me this way, I didn't think it would ever work out, I didn't think I would ever stop going on meaningless dates with people I don't care about. I can't believe this is happening, all I know is that I'm saying yes. But I have to pretend to be uncaring, like I don't like her.


He chuckles a little bit, the lightness in his voice makes me smile. "Yes, I'll go out with you." I look up at him, a brightness in my eyes I haven't felt before. Grabbing my hand, he walks me                                       back up the steep road. He takes me to my door and waits for me to get inside shooting me one last smile. Running up to my room I smile, giggle, laugh and die inside. I fall to the floor in my room with the biggest smile on my face. Then, I get a message,

Vaishant: Goodnight, Girlfriend


5 years ago (Vaishant graduated 3 months ago and used to go to my school)

Vaishant was over at my house with his mum. He had to leave early, he was going to the shops with his sister and some friends. I was sad he was leaving though I had a plan. While my mum was busy talking with his mum he interrupted, "I've really got to go now." My mum started getting up though I stopped her. "I can take you to the door, you guys continue talking," I offered. 

"Ok, honey, thanks for being so helpful," my mum responded. I walked him to the door to let him out. "Have you missed seeing me at school, honey?" He teased. 

"Yes Vaish, you are the light of my life, I am depressed without you," I pout. He laughs and walks away. It feels like he was flirting but I know he wasn't. He couldn't possibly be flirting. He's too old for me.


I was definitely flirting, it was funny to see the cute innocent face she made when I said it. Hopefully she either didn't realise or liked it. I think I might like her. But she's too young for me.

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