Chapter 4 - The In-laws

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17th of July 2021

It's the day after the shopping centre, I haven't been able to sleep so I've been sitting in bed for 3 hours since 4am. I miss Vaishant already and want to text him but I don't want to disturb him. 


I don't know if it's too soon for this but I just told my parents that I am dating Anna and I am about to ask her out to a family event with me,

Vaishant: Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to come to a family event with me today at 11am? All my cousins will be there, I think you've met some of them before.

Anastasia: aren't we met to be like a secret or something? you know our families won't agree with this, you know, the age-gap and the culture differences.

Vaishant: If you want to be a secret that's fine with me.

Anastasia: no, Vaish i do not want to be a secret. do you?

Vaishant: Of course not, Anna. So will you come?

Anastasia: if you really want me to...

Vaishant: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Anastasia: are you gonna drive me?

Vaishant: Of course. Be ready at 10:30?

Anastasia: see you then.


I immediately jump out of bed and got ready I have 3 hours to look good after getting no sleep. At 10:30 I am at the door waiting for him. He texts me to come up to his driveway, where he is waiting. 

In the car he says, "I know we've only been dating for a week and this might be awkward but I'm really happy that you're coming. I told my parents about us last night, my mum was actually really happy though my dad wasn't so excited and Vachi thought it was weird. But overall everything's ok. Oh and by the way you look beautiful."


She looks so fucking good in that outfit. It hugs her figure so beautifully. She has a huge ass and a tiny waist. I can't wait til I get to sleep next to her every night. I want to fucking marry her. She takes me out of my fantasies when she says, "Don't worry it's not weird. That's great your parents were fine with it, and you look... alright as well."

I mock her while laughing, "I look alright? Well thanks, that really made my day." 

She smiles that beautiful smile and says, "I'm kidding, you look pretty."

"You think I look pretty?" I ask, still laughing. 

"Yes I think you look like the prettiest princess in the world," she says while laughing hysterically.


I'm staring at him thinking about how fucking beautiful he is when he feels my eyes on him and turns to smile at me. He places his hand on my thigh and rubs his fingers up and down my leg. 


She's staring at me and I can't help it, I look over at her. I try to read her eyes, they tell me nothing. Is she worried? Is she scared? What does she want me to do? So I smile at her and place my hand on her leg, rubbing her inner thigh with my thumb. "Don't be nervous, they will all love you, I promise," I comfort her. I almost said like I love you, but I restrained myself.


We get to the family gathering and he opens the car door for me. He takes my hand and walks me up to the front door of the large house. Walking in, his family welcomes me with open arms and Vaishant stays pretty close to me for a while. 

After an hour he tells me I should sit outside with Vachi and all the other girls to get to know them. We all talk and they seem to like me. Until one of the girls, Vaishants' family's friend and his ex asks, "So, what's going on with you and Vaish?"

Defensively, Vachi answers for me, "They just started dating, Aanshi."

Rudely, Aanshi questions, "Well why is she here then?" Some of the other girls tell her to stop and calm down but she keeps the scrunched angry look on her face.

"She's here because she was invited," Vachi answers again.

Aanshi glares at me, "You know me and Vaishant used to date, we had really, really good-"

"That was like three years ago and for a week, Aanshi," Vachi cuts her off. Everyone laughs at this information.

"Actually I already knew that, thanks though," I say to Aanshi. Vaishant walks outside and sits next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder. At that moment Aanshi looses it, she screams at Vaishant, "You shouldn't be lying to her! You know you still love me!" Her arms flail around frantically as if she's swatting at multiple flies.

Laughing, Vaishant runs his hands through his hair then kisses me on the temple, "Aanshi, it was 3 years ago, get over it." 

"NO! You love me! I love you! We should be together!" the girl screams, startling me. When I jump in fear, Vaishant tightens his grip on me and rubs my shoulder comfortingly. "Don't fucking yell at me or my girlfriend or anywhere around my girlfriend!" he yells in response to Aanshi's screaming. Aanshi storms off. 

Vaishant turns to me, "Wanna get out of here?" I nod and he walks me to the car. We get to my house and go to my room to hang out for a bit, we end up watching a movie. After a while I fall asleep on his shoulder, when the movie ends he wakes me up and says, "I should go now, sleep well." Looking up at him I smile sleepily. I walk him down to the door and he kisses me on the forehead. "Goodnight, love," he says. My heart races at the name he just called me, love. The butterflies are flying around aimlessly hitting the walls of my stomach. I smile at him and watch him walk away then go back up to my room and fall asleep.

4 years ago

Me and Vachi are very close, we like to tell each other about boys and stuff, so when it comes to that in our conversation I have to lie. I tell her about a guy in grade 12 at my school. I ask her a few questions about her brother, trying not to give myself away. I ask her about the girl I learned he dated, a family friend, she lives in Adelaide though. She is his ex, when she came for a holiday they shared a room along with Vachi and Aanshis' brother. In the middle of the night she rolled over to Vaishant and began kissing him. They dated for a week but when she left they broke up, it was too hard for them to be long distance. Vaishant really did like her though Aanshi seemed to be unfazed and went on to have her first time with a random hook-up a few months later. Though Aanshi seemed like she was alright, she was hurting, she was in love.

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