Chapter 2

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Feyrith had meant to continue studying from the book on healing magic Master Endari had given him, but all he could do was stare blankly at it

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Feyrith had meant to continue studying from the book on healing magic Master Endari had given him, but all he could do was stare blankly at it. It was still open on the page he'd left it at when he'd gotten summoned by Councilor Hellan along with a few other novices to tell them about a mission to investigate odd magical energies emanating from a ruin on the mainland.

He couldn't believe he'd volunteered for it.

It still didn't feel real. On a rational level, he was glad. He'd been waiting for a proper opportunity to prove himself, and so when none of his peers had agreed to do it, he'd taken it upon himself. It was an obvious choice.

But the problem was that this was going to be much more dangerous than anything he'd done before. He'd never actually left his home island and had only read about the outside world. The island of Aendor was by no means a place devoid of threats, but the beasts that lived here were nothing compared to the ones attacking humans on the mainland.

Feyrith was confident enough in his abilities to know that he was likely to handle defending himself from any threat he could face on his travels, but that didn't mean that imagining it didn't make him nervous. Though he wasn't too worried about the beasts that might attack him on the way. He was mostly concerned about how he would handle whatever challenge awaited him in that ruin.

Feyrith put his head in his hands, resting his elbows on the metal table he was sitting at. He didn't regret accepting the mission, but he couldn't help but feel anxious about it. Incredibly so.

If he succeeded, he might get the chance to impress his Masters, perhaps even some elves in the higher Circles. It wouldn't make them consider elevating him to their level, definitely not yet, but it might make them notice his worth. But if he failed.... Well, it might have the exact opposite effect.

It hadn't been long since he'd managed to get accepted into the Third Circle, and it wouldn't take much to get removed from it and sent back to the Second. And at best, failing would make everyone think less of him, and his superiors might retract their praise of his potential.

Feyrith sighed, his heart flipping almost painfully as his anxiety intensified. He'd never been good in stressful situations, but he'd also always managed to deal with them and overcome any challenge he'd been faced with. He just needed to believe in himself, and he would manage this. Perhaps there was just some kind of anomaly in that ruin, maybe an ancient artifact left behind by their ancestors that they didn't know about, and it would be nothing dangerous.

And his mission was to only investigate, not solve the problem or deal with it in any way. He was to contact Councilor Hellan as soon as he had information to report. And sure, he was supposed to use his communication stone to do so rather than return here, but Feyrith doubted he would be told to proceed with the investigation if there was real danger afoot. He was still a novice, after all, no matter how powerful he already was. Feyrith didn't doubt that the Council would send trained sorcerers to deal with whatever threat the ruin could be hiding.

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