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Another day in hell down. Me and Sunoo walked home together. "Sunooooooo", I teasingly cooed. "Huh?", he asked his head turning up behind the fridge. "Could it possibly, eventually just maybe, be, that you like this Niki guy?" Sunoo just smiled shyly and I took that as a big as 'yes'. We both silently ate our dinner, studied a bit and I couldn't concentrate. "You know, Sunoo, I could help you with Niki?", I suggested. "You? Want to help me? I think you should fix your own love life before?" "What love life?", I thought he would come up with an 'exactly' but he didn't. "You didn't notice?" I looked at him confused. "For real? Jay and Heeseung? They've been staring at you the whole time at lunch and literally bought you lunch?" "That doesn't mean anything", I frowned. "Of course it does! You even had a date with them!" "We haven't had a date! Me and Jay went to a café, and me and Heeseung went for a walk! Okay, actually, when you put it like that, it does sound like a date", my voice went from loud to high to quiet. He remained silent until we were both lying in our beds. I couldn't think straight.

It was just minutes after when I decided I couldn't sleep and went to Sunoos room. "Sunoo Hyung are you still awake?", I spoke softly. "I am, are you okay?", he spoke even softer. "Yeah, my mind is just occupied because of earlier", I whispered back. "Because of Heeseung and Jay possibly liking you? Don't think to much about it you will find out in time okay? Want to sleep next to me?" I nodded, even though he couldn't see me and snuggled next to him.
When we woke up because of his alarm, we found ourselves tangled. "Why do you have an alarm it is Saturday!", I wasn't even fully awake yet. "My fault, I forgot to turn it off, keep sleeping I'm in the kitchen" This was the last I heard because I immediately fell asleep after that.

"Jungwon!", I heard a voice screaming right next to my ear. "Ow Sunoo! You couldn't wake me up friendly?" "I tried! You didn't wake up", he shook his shoulders indifferently. "Come for breakfast, sheep." I groaned and got up because breakfast did sound good. I went to the kitchen. The way I know Sunoo was he would either say 'make something yourself' or he would just give me a bowl of cereal since he is 'still the Hyung' with his words. But surprisingly he made fried egg. "Thanks!" "So who is your favourite Hyung?", he said. "Hanbin Hyung is!", I shouted excited. "I am, Jungwon. I am your favourite Hyung!", he looked disappointed. I tried to hold my laughter in and gladly, I did. I ate my egg in peace until I accidentally spilled my orange juice while eating. Guess where it landed. Sunoo. Like, right on his lap. On his new pair of jeans. I looked up in fear. Sunoo is friendly but you shouldn't mess with his precious clothes. He frowned but it turned into a smile. "You know, if you had 86.400 dollar on your conto and someone would steal ten dollar of yours, you wouldn't mindlessly spend what's left right? Same goes with days, we have 86.400 seconds every day and just because someone ruins ten seconds you shouldn't let that mess up your whole day right?", he sighed standing up to switch clothes. When had he become so wise? He's like an old man now. "Sunoo Hyung?!", I screamed to the direction of his room. "Yes?!", he screamed back. "How come you had those wise words" "I read that somewhere", he answered. "You can read?" "You know what, I am soon going to change my mindset to 'punish everyone who is talking shit'" "No cursing Sunoo" "I am still your Hyung" "Yeah yeah Hyung"

I showered and got ready when Sunoo came in. Fortunately I was already done dressing. "Jungwon", he cooed. "Yes Hyung?", I sprayed on my cologne. "Will you go to that new ice cream place with me?" Why do people always want to go get ice cream? It is so cold. But I wanted to make Sunoo happy so I sighed a 'yes'. It was good seeing him happy after that answer. I chuckled to myself thinking he changes his mood so fast.


Todays TMI:

I just had a math exam I had to do ON THE BOARD infront of like 3/4 of my class it went a B+

 I hope you liked the chapter :))

ig this is an early chapter cuz my maths test gone nearly smoothly hehe

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