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Heeseung was sure of himself. He did like Jungwon since the first time he saw him. At first, he found him beautiful, but after talking with Jungwon for only a week, he found him an interesting person too. Jungwon was sweet and sassy, but never too much. He bickered with Sunoo but still was a hundred percent supportive. That was what Heeseung admired, next too his beauty. He could stare at him all day, but that would be weird. 

Heeseung was good friends with Jay in kindergarten. But in elementary, Jay distanced himself from Heeseung. They never talked about it. Heeseung hates Jay for that. In kindergarten, he always looked forward to meet Jay. He hated going to kindergarten and being left there, but on the the first day, Jay aproached him and asked if he would build a sandcastle with him. They even gave it a name. After that day Heeseung never hated kindergarten. He still rememberes the castle name: 'Castle of Heejay' they called it, a mixture of their names. They spendt every day together, even the weekends. They had their own treehouse in the woods next to Jay's home. They spendt their time there whenever they could. They had blankets and pillows there, even a small sofa. Heeseung still visits that treehouse, but tries to not think of him and Jay. Jay on the opposite never came back, he hated Heeseung the most because he got compared to him by his parents. Heeseung didn't know that. He was mad at Jay because he thought he forgot everything they had. And now, he hates him even more because of the date with Jungwon.

Heeseung woke up early on monday. Actually, he never slept, he only got out of his bed early. Going to his kitchen he asked 'Why me' very repetitive. He took some yoghurt out of the fridge and started eating. He put it back after one spoon because he wasn't hungry, and that yoghurt made his stomach not feel so good. He remembered he doesn't eat in the mornings for a reason. He got ready and when he was done, he saw that he still had plenty of time before his morning classes start. He decided to go to some bakery.

He stood infront of all the desserts and bread they had. 'What will Jungwon like the most?' he asked himself. 'I'll just go with bungeoppang, nothing can go wrong with that right?' he thought. But then, what filling should he take? After five minutes of deciding he took red bean filling. He hoped that Jungwon will like it. When he arrived at school and gave Jungwon the pastry, he came just a minute before Jay, who brought him a croissant. Jungwon akwardly smiled and told Jay to just eat it himself since Heeseung already brought him breakfast. He thanked Heeseung and went to his class. Jay gave Heeseung an angry glare and went to his class too. Heeseung let out a sad smile, remembering the times were he and Jay would've snucked foods up the treehouse to eat there. They left their leftovers once, so there were a lot of bugs in the morning. Jay climbed back screaming while Heeseung starred at them, collecting some in a glass. "Jongseongie you can come here again, the bugs are gone", he chuckled. Jay came to the treehouse again and was taken aback when he saw the bug-glass Heeseung was holding but if it makes him happy, Jay wont complain. He also found his nickname cute, no one ever called him 'Jongseong' the most people didn't even know it was his korean name.

Heeseung was good in school. That didn't mean he liked being in school. And he made sure Sunghoon would hear that every day by complaining. Recently, they always had lunch with the others. Meaning Jungwon, Sunoo, Niki, Jake and Jay. Heeseung wasn't that talkative but Sunghoon was worse. You have to warm up to him first before he shows his goofy side. And that time had definetly come. He mostly jokes around with Jake, who really enjoyed his jokes. Heeseung mostly talked with Jungwon before, but Niki is also fun to talk more now, they have similar interests. They play video games, dance and some things more. But then again he acts all lovey-dovey with his boyfriend so Heeseung is back to zero. Or to one because of Jungwon. Heeseung never dares to speak with Jay. He hates him, but deep inside it isn't hate, it is pain. Jay once was his everything and then he just turned away.

"Jungwonie, do you want to go to an old treehouse with me?", Jay asked while all the others were busy talking, except Heeseung who heard that. "Yeah su-" "I don't think so Jongseong", Heeseung said. Emphasizing the 'Jongseong'. "Why?", Jay teasingly asked, a bit tacken aback because of his korean name. "I think it would break, you mentioned it's old right?", Heeseung smiled but gave a death glare to Jay, "also, there probably a lot of bugs there now", Heeseungs heart hurted, remembering. He wasn't angry because Jay wanted to have a hang out with Jungwon, he was upset because it was their  treehouse and he is not willing to share it. Not even Jungwon. It was their memory. Heeseung held back tears. Jay smirked.



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I am actually writing to other ffs while writing this hehe (but ofc i will focus on this one cuz i am only uploading this rn the other ffs get published when this books done) but tell me (even tho this hasn't that many readers) would you like a sunki or sunwon story first?

btw it's okay if no one comments it'll look kinda floppy but okay ಥ_ಥ

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