sae itoshi

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It was all happy with him, he opened up to you, you clinged to him and you both ended up here together in a healthy relationship....

So far.

You had tons of sweet moments together, including praticing with him at home. He kicked the ball towards the cage in a curved motion, not going too hard on you, your talents as a libero clearly helped because you easily changed its direction to above the cage. You grinned putting your fist up, unlike sae, you showed your emotions a lot more. A soft smile creeped up on his face seeing you're excited and happy expression. You ran to him jumping on him, he easily catched you, for him your weren't very heavy. Your arms were around his neck and your legs around his waist. It was him looking up to see your bright smile, you interwined your own hands behind his head and leaned in. Both of your lips joining in a loving kiss, some of his pushed back hair tickled your face making smile even more against his lips. After your tender and affectionate interaction you jumped out his arms, the top of your head now reaching a little higher than his shoulder ( unless your taller than him) you went to grab the soccer ball, putting it next to the door of the backyard, Sae followed you back inside, in the next few instants he was back hugging you sniffing your neck" today was tiring. Take a nap with me ?" You chuckled putting your hand over his" of course kind sir. Who am i to deny this intriguing offer" he slightly giggled at your words. These were all sweets and great moments but it couldn't last forever could it ? This world hates you because it chose the wrong times to break the only thing you had left.

" we're over"

Those words hit you like a boulder, your hand rubbed your stomach, you were still processing this, eyes widened with shock. But when it all got together in your head, you softly smiled looking up at him with tears rolling down your face like waterfalls. It was really was the wrong time." You know itoshi." Hearing you call him by his last name gave him the envy to cry his heart out but he just couldn't, he still loved you, but he didn't want you to go through the pain of him almost never being home. Little did he know he was making you go through much worse..." I went through a lot of shit, you went through a lot of shit. We went through a lot of shit together. But.." you couldn't stare at him in the eyes, you couldn't say this, you weren't able to, it was too painful." I can't believe i have to bring myself to say this itoshi but...i never thought i'd have to go through the shit of being a single mom or neither single pregnant woman." Just as he heard this, he absolutely regretted his words, building a family with you, what else could he ask for..he extended his hand to you about to say something but you interrupted him" i know what your about to say. Im sure you have valid reasons to do this because i can see the love and regret in your eyes Itoshi. But dont give me that, you know damn well that the last thing i would wanna hear from you" silence, for the first time you saw a tear roll down his cheek, then another and another one." I want you to promise me one thing. That when this pathetic life of mines ends in the few years i have left, to take care of this kid. To love them with all your heart and take well care of them." You looked in his eyes, he could see flames in your iris" promise me Itoshi Sae. That if i can't take care of this kid anymore, that you will protect it with your life" he stepped back, he nodded furiously" i promise..." You smiled, you thanked him quietly before grabbing your stuff, you walked out if his house. You knew he couldn't cancel all his life plans and his travel for the u-20. You didn't look back....

You praticed volleyball while being pregnant until it became too harsh on your body. Your teammates were here for you but when you gave birth it was now all you. All you and you alone, at first you found it hard, you had many sleepless night but you loved that baby. Loved it so dearly, the first year passed and you were finally able to go back to volleyball. It was hard to balance your time but you managed, you had a well raised little boy..


You had your three year old son in your arms, a cap and sunglasses hiding him from papparazzi. The poor baby buried his face in your shoulder, he was scared, suddenly a taller body was in front of you, shooing the papparazzi away. When the person turned to you, you immediately recognized him, Sae, standing there, infront of you. You could see he just the slight changed but his piercing gaze was the same. You smiled at him" thank you Sae." He nodded holding back the smile from.hearing his first name coming from your lips. Suddenly some shifting could be seen, the little boy doing grabby hands motion towards his biological dad. The said man, looked for approval from you, you handed him the baby, which he teared up as seeing the kid he wished he could have seen at birth. But you and the kid were here, maybe he could somehow make it up to you.


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