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He had her followed by his bodyguard until she arrived home safely together with Maggie who chose to sleep over as she didn't leave the apartment.

He settled down and felt something was off!.

He held onto his knife on his waist ready to attack the intruder when she chuckled confirming she was a female.

Lexa his younger sister, approached him  from behind in the darkness and he immediately recognized her perfume.

"What's on your mind, nerd! " She sneered as he left the room choosing to assume her.

He went upstairs hurriedly as his sister started tracing him from behind .

"Don't pretend with me! , hmm why aren't you calling her? . She loves you Romi!! "

"Do not ever call me by that name again, you snake!"

"You b**ch! How dare you, try to pretend you understand love, when all you ever do is receive d**k hmm?! , You cheated on Liam with Alex and you chose to hide it with her and you expect me to forgive you after you sold my model to Vortex. Co !!! ".

"Take your disgusting self out of my condo  cause if you don't ill have you dragged out by your poor excuse of bleached skunk hair!! ".

His sister ran  out crying and met with Lorenzo, Castello and Giancarlo. She avoided them  and ran out.

Thoughts run through Romano's mind, why would she do this to him? , What didn't he give his sister? , Why would she let greed and deceit possess her heart up to  the point of of betrayal!! .

Lorenzo walked up to him and embraced him soothing him.

Just then Castello's phone rung  out loud.

"Yes, Randy go on... What the hell do you mean by a man is trying to enter through her window!!! . Is Maggie there... go after him I've already alerted the others!! . And Randy, you better catch him and bring him to me,to us! ".


She was sleeping, as Maggie was preparing to go to bed when she saw the man trying to break inside and she screamt waking Celia up.

Celia let out a wail when she saw the man and her mind went into overdrive. She picked up the phone dialing 911 ignoring her painful ribcage which hurt because of the sudden movement and the man stopped his action and with a determined look, he tried to break in! Celia looked at his face hidden by a black nose max and she froze once she saw the hate radiating from his eyes!.
After a few tries while the girls continued screaming, he broke into a run as he noticed her on the phone and knew his time ran out ! .

Maggie helped a shaking Celia get out of bed and together they ran into the living room.

Maggie talked to the cops as she sat on the chair trying to control her painful breathing and rapid heart beat.

The cops knocked on the  neighbors doors asking a few questions, after a few minutes as they were making rounds in the neighborhood and she and Maggie sat down and repeated the whole incident to a detective.

It was a long and sleepless night for them as Celia started thinking, what would make somebody try to attack her?! .

Her and Maggie still had one week off for her treatment and recovery and they were sure as hell the apartment was no longer safe for Celia.


Lorenzo threw the chair against the wall in a fit of rage after finding out person X has gone after Celia.

He craved blood and he would satisfy it after killing the mother f**r who was sent to harm his woman!.

He drove the scissors into the guys eyeball killing him in the act !.  Together with  his best friends he had tortured the guy all night. 

He left the room, after Giancarlo lit the guys body on fire in their basement. It was time to get Celia home. He picked up the call from professor Carlos with his bloody hands and pressed pick up and listened to the creepy fool speak.

A smile broke into his face as he announced.

" Celia just moved in to our apartment, she'll be leaving near us, brothers"

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