Mia Amore

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She got of the elevator feeling very conscious of herself. They had agreed to meet up and talk with Maggie in the bathroom after her break. Maggie was already excited about the issue.

She walked behind the men when the receptionist ran up to her taking her to her office which was next to hers but in the same lounge as the four bosses.

"You're work today is going through the website and looking at the toys whether the 14 prototypes are well labeled, here's the hardcopy of all the parts so you are just going to double check then send me the email with all the info, I'll be waiting. Take it easy and have a nice time ".
The receptionist scurried away after the instruction leaving her in her small office. She walked to the desk smiling and soon got seated to test it out. She looked to her side noticing a big silk bean bag and on the opposite side a mini fridge. She walked to the fridge to find it fully stocked with snacks and some water and juice.

She wondered to herself but beside the fridge she noticed a coffee pot and immediately took out her phone to text Maggie and ask about her office.

Maggie texted her back immediately sending her screenshots of her office which only had a desk.
After Maggie opened Celia's screenshots she sent was shocked.
She asked Celia more about the office and came up with a supporting notion to her claims that the boss liked Celia which Celia now started to believe. She was seated carefully on the desk when the office phone rang  making her to immediately pick it up.

"Hello.. Celia it's Giancarlo" A deep Italian voice sounded from the other end.

"HI sir" She whispered out.
"I hope the office is to your liking"
"It is sir, it's very cozy. Thank you so much for this." she spoke out hurriedly.

"Good, do your work for today. You have an hour to do so and after that go rest on the bean bag. Your ribcage is still healing".

"But sir... I can't do that.. I can take it sir.. I mean my ribcage is already healed".

"Celia, just lay down after an hour, Miranda will bring you some snacks and you can take a nap until lunchtime".

The phone went silent on the other end before she could protest further. Maggie was right she thought, the bosses like her romantically. She was thinking while her mouth was wide open when a text from Marcus displayed on her phone inviting her and Maggie to lunch.

Just then, the phone rang again and the receptionist reminded her about the work. She immediately got to work but thoughts on the situation made it hard for her to work but after an hour and a half she was done. She sent everything to Miranda but soon a knock echoed through her office and Miranda came in.

"Get on bean bag here are your snacks. Please take some rest Celia before they come to look" She said while reading her to the bean bag. Celia was wide eyed the whole time being led like a dog. She softly sat on the bean bag and took the snacks.

Her chest felt more at ease and just like that her eyes became droopy cause of her sleepless night.

She was woken up by a call from Maggie informing her it was lunch time and her and Marcus we're waiting for her. Just as she was standing up the door opened revealing Romano whose eyes scanned the room until he saw her form and relaxed.

She cut the call just as Romano told her to go to their office to go and take some lunch. Her phone dropped down in shock and she was sure Maggie heard everything Romano said.

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