The Bosses

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The scene on the street was appalling. Blood scattered on the main road and the pavement causing a traffic jam and chaos as some people were still screaming their lungs out . Some pedestrians and drivers were still in shock with the hit and run accident as the shock was still clearly written on their faces. Police sirens were could be heard coming closer.

The men protected her as she was still processing the incident. She was quiet now except for the little sobs breaking free from her mouth. They knew she would be traumatized by the occurrence. Her face looked pale, it looked like she would have a mental breakdown at any time. Giancarlo was patting her head while leaving traces of kisses on her forehead while Morpheus was whispering softly assuring words trying to keep her calm.

"We need to go back inside!!" Romano emphasized.

"True, we don't have time. They almost took her from us!. I'm going to find the sick idiot who ordered a hit on her!!!"Castello threatened dangerously.

They started moving while Castello now had her in his arms. She wasn't moving at all. Their men soon catch up with them looking embarrassed.

" Sir, sorry for not reaching her on time. " The captain of their security force pleaded avoiding their eyes.

"Max, Brady and Cain keep  watch outside, You better sweep the parking lot and a mile from here. Call whoever you call to do it with you. If this happens again all of you are fired!!" Lorenzo shouted at them making Celia flinch and look at him  surprised.

She didn't like it when people raised their voice suddenly. Morpheus sent a warning gaze at Lorenzo who apologized. Immediately the men started running around while others encircled them as they got back in their building. They avoided everyone as they headed for the private elevator.


Castello  placed Celia on the hospital bed at the hospital under HR. Doctors started attending to them but only the head doctor was allowed to check Celia.

Sooner or later, the men knew they had to explain everything to Celia and Romano started the conversation softy capturing Celia's attention.

"Baby, the bitch who attacked you in the morning is called Penelope, she used to date all of us. We used to share her.."

Celia felt betrayed but hid her emotions quickly.

"She was a fling to us, but she became more to us. We planned to marry her. Yes, all of us. But, she tried to poison me and I .. almost died...! "

She gasped loudly.

"My sister also hid the fact that Penelope was fucking other men behind our backs. But we broke up with her as a result of her betrayal. My  sister was also kicked out by Us. But Penelope doesn't believe we can move on from her!"

Celia kept quiet while attentively listening to Morpheus and without thinking she broke the silence.

" What about me?. I'm i a fling? "She uttered softly.

Giancarlo broke the distance between them and cupped her face.

" You are more than that to us, you are ours just as we are yours. You are our future baby, you are our woman not a whore! Do you get me baby, you own us heart, body and soul. You are much more than we hoped for. We love you Celia ever since our first interaction "He gritted out and kissed her forehead.

Celia just sat there amazed.

" All is not what it seems on the surface tesoro, We never expected to meet you but we did. But someone knows getting to you will break us.! "

" That's why someone tried to break into your apartment and also today's attack." Lorenzo added softly.

Celia started breathing heavily with dread but Castello pulled her into his arms calming her.

" No one will take us away from you, ever. I will slay them with my own hands if need be! "He threatened darkly while holding his shaking woman.

Celia spoke out.

" If I stay away from you I might be safe.. I want you to stay away from me... I... You! "She stammered out fearfully while shivering.

Castello stopped her train of words by connecting their lips. She got distracted by the kiss and didn't notice the others pushing the hospital beds together. Castello stopped kissing her while the others pulled her to them and for the first time in that day, she felt safe.

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