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Since Jing Yuan was going to become general today, he decided it would be a good idea to throw together a feast to celebrate this achievement. On his way to find diviner Fu, he took note of the things he wanted. He wrote them down on a sheet of paper.

"Div-" Jing Yuan was cut off right when he saw Diviner Fu quickly hide something behind her back.

"Ah! General- What brings you here?"

"What was that Diviner Fu?"

"There's no point in hiding it from you. I was planning on throwing a party for you becoming general."

"I was just thinking of something similar."

"Do you think you can help me?"

"You seem like you can handle it, but I can give my opinion on things."

"That would help a lot, actually."

They walked into the biggest room of the place and started planning. After long hours of planning time, they got the decorations. While diviner Fu was in charge of the food and decorations of the diner area, Jing Yuan was in charge of the decorations of the walls and entrance. Once they were done with the decorations, they needed to figure out who was going to attend the feast/party.

"What about your family, Jing Yuan?" 

"I thought that was obvious, but apparently, it's not as obvious as I thought."

"Just answer the question, general."

"Yes, they are coming, Diviner Fu."

"Now, let's get something out of the way. Madam Yukong, Tingyun, and Loucha are coming."

"That's fine."

Once they were finished with everything. And everyone was there they all decided to get to know one other better and get on good terms with each other. Not too long into the feast, they were all gathered by the diner table.

"Let's raise a toast to congratulate General Jing Yuan for his accomplishments and achievements."

"To General Jing Yuan."

"Is there anybody you want to raise a toast to, General?"

"To my master Jing Liu, I wouldn't be here today if she wasn't there to teach me. Let's raise this toast in memory of Jing Liu."

"In memory of Jing Liu." Everyone raised their glass. It was no surprise that Jing Yuan's family stayed after everyone left. Even Fu Xuan left since she knew that they hadn't seen each other in a while.

"Jing Yuan, it's been a while. Why haven't you come to visit your mother?"

"Mother, I've been extremely busy lately. Trust me, I've been waiting for a time for me to come visit you guys."

"Where's Ren? I hadn't seen him in forever, too."

"Mother... He went missing years ago."

His family, who deeply cared about Blade, knew how much Ren meant to Jing Yuan.

"I'm sorry, look, we'll help you find him." 

"Thanks, but I don't see a point in finding him anymore, I don't think he is even on the Xianzhou anymore."

"Don't give up. You will find him eventually."

"Thanks, dad." And with that, his family left he knew that he would see them for a while, so he made the most of that moment with his family. Jing Yuan went home to his room. He didn't notice a figure standing in his room until he turned his light on.

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