entry #4.

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I needed a few more products to help me. The place I stayed in was a little empty, mostly because the items there were destroyed or stolen. On my way to the pharmacy, people out there were still mourning and not moving on. It's been three years already, they should just accept that it happened. Weeping and grieving about it won't bring back what they lost. Every time I look at these people, I get more and more frustrated. None of us fought back hard enough. Some of us didn't even fight. What are they so sorrowful about? I hate them. I hate them for not fighting. I hate them for causing our universe to become this way. And I hate myself for thinking I could have done better than them while I was as weak as most other teenagers were.

          "Doctor X, are you following? I said those will be for 45$, not including a tip."
Right. How did I doze off like that? I apologized and placed two twenties and a ten on the table.
"Keep the rest, Muffet." I took the plastic bag and walked away. Lots of things changed, one of them being Muffet retiring from baking and owning a pharmacy and a clinic. The king made sure to provide food and any other needs.

          Walking through the alleyway that allows me to arrive to my apartment, I spotted a child. Barely 10.. really young. He was sitting in a corner, his body was shaking; he is malnourished and forgotten. I wonder if he went through what we saw. He caught my attention because every child ended up dead, and no couple ever made a child again after the imbroglio that carved scars deep in our memories.
I approached the kid, and he didn't seem to be cautious or back away. Peculiar, nobody trusts anyone nowadays.
"How old are you?" I went on a knee to be face to face with the ill. But he only tilted his head in response. He either doesn't know, or he didn't understand me. We are bilingual here, minus the multilingual ones like me or like Alphys. May she rest easy.
"What is your name?" Again, the male was unresponsive. Instead, he reached for my hand and took my index in his mouth, sucking and biting on it. He already has teeth. I'd say he is about 2 years old. I pulled my hand away, which made him whimper and try to reach for my hand again.
"Do you have a mom? A dad?"
"Mama? Baba?" I asked again.
He gasped in delight. "baba!" He called out, and I thought he saw his father somewhere behind me but he ended up jumping on my chest and hugging me.
"No." I complained in no time, and gently pushed him away from me. "I am not your baba. I don't know you." I added.
He looked upset. Even if he didn't understand my words clearly, the word 'no' was enough to hint the meaning for him. He approached me again, and next thing I know is a weak warmth covering my chest. The child had hugged me, and was desperately waiting for the same affection in return.
"I could take you with me.. I do have trials and purposes that'll make you good use."


warning: overdosing.

          "Do I have to call your name three times for you to answer?"
"no, boss, im sorry." He awkwardly scratched the back of his head, avoiding eye contact with his superior.
"haha, little guy has been here for a week only and you're already freaking him out, boss!" Killer cackled.
Nightmare, unamused, continued guiding Fail and Killer through their mission's steps.
"Once the victim's knocked out, you'll invade the area, I will need to feel the negativity from there."
"can i add to my kill count? please? PLEASE??"
"No, Killer. I don't want anyone dead, I need their aura. Now stop wasting time, be back by dawn. And-... Fail."
The guy had his head lowered, eyes closed, most likely sleeping.
"pff- HAHA!! doesnt seem like he slept good today!!!"
"Or maybe because it's 4AM."
"gotta get used to waking up early!" Killer poked Fail's cheek. He giggled as he began gently smacking Fail's cheek repeatedly.
"oh Faaaail!! we have a mission! come o-"
He gasped while Fail's body fell forward, but got caught by a tentacle before it hit the desk dangerously.
"Quiet. I know. Go wake Murder, you'll work with him. Tell him everything I told you, you're in charge of your duo."
"nooo... no that midget!"
"Stop complaining! Out of my face." Nightmare snarled. Killer huffed and slid his chair backwards, standing up, cheekily saluting with two fingers, then teleporting away.

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