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Readers age: 3

Backstory: mia  is really clingy to Jessica and had to leave for 3 weeks  because of the Paris conviction( I didn't go sadly)

A/N: Jessica's kids won't be in this bc I can't find a way to put them in here

Jessica POV
I had to leave mia for 3 weeks because of my Paris interview and I knew she was gonna freak out.

"Bird come say bye to mama" Jessica said

"Mommy where are you going?"

"To Paris baby, I'll call you every night"

"But mama I don't want you to leave" yn said crying into my chest

"I know baby I know" I said fighting back tears

" mia I see you in 3 weeks baby it's okay mamas gonna be right back and when I get back I'll cuddle you all day" I say walking out the door.

"Bye bye mama" mia said sobbing

"Bye baby" I said tearing up
Jessica tried to not cry but she couldn't help it she hated see her baby girl cry
But she knew she was going to see her soon.

Mama had just left she said she was going to be back. I didn't wanna do anything but cry so I cried. I missed mama I knew I was going tire my self out by crying and so I did and when mama was gone they let me have a pacifier.

'A week later'
Jessica's POV

I have been trying to forgot about Mia but I can't I miss doing everything with her and cuddling her but I still have to finish this meet and greet.

We had just took a break but Camilla noticed I was a bit down so she asked me what was wrong "hey Jess are you okay?" She ask worriedly (idek if that's a word bahaha 😹)
"yeah I'm ok I just miss Mia so much and i know I didn't have to come but I know a lot of fans missed me and I missed being on greys so I came back but it's so just hard leaving my baby girl." She replied back almost in tears
After Camilla comforted me we had to go back.

Chris pov
Mia was missing Jess baby and was started to sleep and eat less and I knew I had to do something. By this time the convention was over but Jess wanted to have a girls trip with her friends since she has seen them in a while.

I decided to book a flight to Paris for me and Mia. But Mia doesn't know yet.
Unfortunately we had to get up early and Mia is not a morning person and especially because Jess isn't here she will be extra grumpy.

"Birdie we gotta get up" I say
"Nu I not want to" Mia says whining
"Bird we are gonna see mama do u wanna come" I say hopeful she will get up
"Mama come?" She ask
I nod my head yes
After a getting ready we hurry up and get in the car I brought some toys to keep her entertained and some snacks just incase but I think most of the time she will be sleeping because she is very tired and she hasn't been sleeping.

Camilla pov

Chris and Mia are surprising Jess and coming to Paris because they both have been very sad without each other. Chris texting me about a couple minutes ago that they were landing and that they needed to be picked up.

"Jess ima going to the store really quick do you need something?"

"Can I come?"

"No it's fine I'll be quick"

"Nope I'm good"

After I left I went to the airport and waited for them. Once I got there I saw Mia and she looked so tired.

I got out of the car and took the suitcase and put it in the trunk and they got in the car, mia didn't have a car seat so she sat on his lap babbling to me about her toys.

After we got to our house we rented I went inside and told Jess she had a surprise.

Jess pov
I was looking at instagram when Camilla came in and told me I had a surprise.
"Ok where is it" I ask
"Outside come follow me and ill show u but close your eyes."
She replied

I got outside and then she told me to open.

"Mama!" Mia said and i was so happy I cried
"Hello baby I missed you."
" me missed you too" she said.

We all said hello and then hung out and went inside and watched a movie.


Caption: AHH! my babys finally back🫶🏼And Chris ofc

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AHH! my babys finally back🫶🏼
And Chris ofc.❤️

Comments - 2.2k

Thanks to me I helped🙁
Reply to @camilla.luddington

Yay we are back!!
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This is literally the cutest thing ever
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Reply to @jess.capfan107
Guyssss i posteddd
Anyways I hate school still um ima fail my book project but it's fine and it's due Friday but yeah it's fine

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