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A/N Thank you so much -LUVLEXIE this was her idea!
Tw- sexual assault if it triggers you please don't read it!
If you are going through something please talk to someone!!
Readers age: 13
Luke's age: 16
Evs age: 14
Poppy's age: 11
Jo's age: 7
Jessica POV
I have been worried about Mia, she has been acting different this past week, I try to give her space because she is 13 but I know something's off because she is a mommy's girl and none of my other kids are. (Jess's kids will be in the story)

Mias POV
I hate school. These girls always pick on me about my mom and this kid named jack always sexually abuses me by slapping me if I don't do something right or he will touch me in my private area. I have been so rude to my mom by declining her offers to watch movies with me or hang out and I love my mom she is my favorite person. "Kids come on so we're not late" my mom yells
"Coming!" I say
"Sweet girl I made your siblings waffles do you want one" I nod my head no I have been starving my self since those girls have been picking on me about me being too fat.

Jessica's POV
when I call the kids down I made waffles for them because they requested them yesterday at dinner I always make sure to ask Mia if she wants one because i know how she is.
I take the older three and give the younger ones to Chris to drop off.
Mia usually goes in the front with me and Luke and ev go in the back. I get there school and Luke and ev get out I say bye then Mia gets out but I stop her. "Mia baby are you ok?" I question
"Yeah mom I'm fine love you have a good day" she replies

Mias POV
My mom asked me if I was ok i hated lying to her but I was scared to tell her. I make into school to see jack by my locker waiting for me. " wassup babe" he says touching my boobs, I remove his hand because I'm uncomfortable "jack please not today I already had a bad morning don't make it worse" I say trying to get away quickly but I can't because he stops me "I know what will make you feel better" he smirks "meet me after 1 period break" he says
I know what he's going to do he going to bring those girls in to give me my daily kicks then he's going to give me his "special treat" (I think everyone knows what it is)
"Bell rings" oh no it's time I have been dreading. I make it to the bathroom too see the three  girls there and jack there. " girls do it" he says as two girls pin me to the wall and the third girl kicks me in my abdomen. I start to tear up. The kicks finally stop the girls leave he does his thing to me. (I'm not going to put the details cuz it's wrong and no one deserves that)
'25 mins later'
He leaves me on the bathroom ground. I want to go home, I get up off the ground and make my way to the nurse.
She looks at me " what can I do for you" she asked in a calming tone. "I don't feel good can u call my mom" I asked she calls my mom " is this Mia's mom Ms. Capshaw" I hear the nurse say a few yes and sures and the she hangs up. "Your mom is going to be here soon so go get your stuff" right when I come back I see my mom come in "hi sweet girl" we walk out. " are you ok baby" my mom ask " yeah I just wanted you" I respond, we drove home and I immediately ran upstairs to go shower. No matter how many times I scrub my body I can still feel his hands touching me. I finish in my shower and go into my bed and I couldn't hold in it anymore so I started to bawl my eyes out.

Jessica POV
something is definitely wrong with Mia she immediately ran upstairs and took a shower. After about an hour I went upstairs to go check on her I heard her shaky cries and it broke my heart into a million pieces. I walk into her room.
"Mia baby what's wrong" I say as I pick her up to set her on my chest.

Mias POV
i couldn't keep hiding it I told my mom everything. " mama these girls at school keep saying how I'm fat and I don't deserve to be ur daughter and they kick me every day Aleast 15 times and this kid jack he touches me everyday with out my consent and he watched as those girls kick me." I managed to say between sobs

Jessica POV
what Mia just told me shattered my heart even more if that possible. "I'm am so so so sorry sweet girl I'm so sorry I haven't noticed. But baby I need to see your tummy so I can make sure your ok. And I need to know that you deserve to my daughter and I love you so much." I say to her. She lifts up her shirt I see her ribs and there yellow and purple. She is so skinny. No kid should be this skinny. "Sweet girl how long have you been starving yourself for?" I say softly
"About a month or two?" She whispers.
I hold her tightly but gently making sure not to squeeze her.

I told my mom everything. I could tell she felt bad. After I told her everything I felt calmer listening to her heart beat. I wanted to do skin to skin contact but I'm scared she is gonna say no. "Mama" I say quietly "yes sweet girl" she said responding to me "can u do that thing you did with me when I was younger?"
I say loud enough for her to hear me.
"Like skin to skin baby?" I nod my head
"Ofc baby" she says calmly. I cuddled up closer to mamas chest and she took her shirt off (not in a weird way cuz some of y'all are nasty)
I fell asleep listening to her heart beat.

A/N: if you are getting sexually abused or assault please speak up!! And don't starve yourself please eat!! Love ya! BRUTHA

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