
424 12 8

readers age- 4
Josie's age - 8
Poppy's age - 10
Eves age - 13
Luke's age - 16
Plot: Mia's autistic and is not verbal so she says mama for the first time
tw: metdown, overwhelmed (idk if those are tw but js in case)
Jess's pov
Mia has autism and has been diagnosed with it since she was one and she can't really talk but we have been practicing sign language so I know what she needs.
I usually take Mia with me for work but this time I had a meeting and couldn't take her but I had a babysitter come and watch her for an hour or two
"Baby mama has to go bye bye for work." I said Mia as she played with her toys. She crawled in my lap and I gave her the pacifier, she is 4 but she doesn't know any better and they help her stay calm. After the doorbell rings we make are way over there. After I had a small convo I checked the time and realized I had to get going. " sweet girl I'm leaving bye bye now, Jane is gonna stay with you and I will be back I love you". I said as I handed her over to Jane.
Jane was a new babysitter because we normal had Camilla but she had to be at the meeting too. I told Jane all of our rules and what she does and doesn't like and told her to change her diaper every once in a while. "She wears diapers and has pacifiers still, isn't she like 6?" She said I was a little taken back but I really have leave. " no she's four but that's ok , bye bye love you"
I said on my way out the door.

Mia's pov
After mama had left I didn't know who this women was but I didn't like her. She kept trying to pick me up and I don't like people touching me that aren't mama or my siblings or daddy. after she had changed me she picked me up which I didn't like and took me to the kitchen to eat but my paci was still in the room I tried to sign paci to her but she just thought I was making random movements. After I had some lunch she carried me again to my bedroom which normally i nap with mama so I didn't like this. She started putting all of my stuffed animals in my bed and after she did that I couldn't fall asleep I felt that all of my stuffies were staring at me and I tried sucking on my fingers but I couldn't I started crying and I started getting overwhelmed and I kept hitting myself me and mama worked on ways to calm down but I couldn't because my paci was in the other room and to make matters worse my diaper was all wet. By that point I was overwhelmed and tired and I just wanted mama. I started to scream and cry but she didn't hear anything and I kept crying for what felt like forever until she finally came in and picked me up which was horrible and I cried and scream but she just set me down and started watching tv.
"Omg baby shut up" Jane said.

Jess's pov
Thankfully my meeting ended a little early so I could go home I had this pit feeling in my stomach that something didn't feel right.  After I pulled into the drive way I hurried in and unlocked the door and when I went in I was horrified. Mia was sitting in her play room while sobbing and Jane was on the couch.
"Omg I'm so sorry I didn't realize she was still crying." Jane said as she got up and turned the tv off.
" What do you mean you didn't realize she was still crying." I said furious. I set my stuff down and ran to Mia. Once I saw her she didn't have her pacifier she had a whole bunch of toys surrounding her. "oh what's wrong sweet girl, what to you want?" She showed me she wanted her pacifier so I had to go find it. I searched in her room in the bathroom but I finally founded it in the changing room. After she stopped crying she was still shaking which Mia never shakes unless something really scared her and that has happened since she was like 1. I went back downstairs and I saw Jane and I knew I had to kick her out.  "Jane I want you out of my house please in the nicest way possible please get out of my house unfortunately you will not be coming back nor will you get paid. "Your being serious?" Jane shouted which made Mia flinch. "I didn't like that dum baby anyway she annoying asf anyway. " Jane picked up her stuff and left.
After Jane had said that I felt so hurt because Mia didn't know any better she autistic.
After Mia settled down I realized she looks very tired which she for surely didn't nap because she only naps if she's with me. " baby why don't we nap ok you are very tired" I said trying to get her to stop shaking.

Mias pov
After mama came home I felt really tired but she got up to use the bathroom but kept the door open so I could still see her and didn't freak out. (Not in a weird way).
she was on her way back and I really wanted her to pick me up "mmmm-ama" I said and I realize i said something for the first time. "Mmama" I said it again. She turned around and looked at me. She started smiling and clapping but not to loud so she didn't scare me.

Jess pov
A little later after me and Mia napped we had to pick up the kids from school.
I got Mia in the car and I had to pick up Josie and poppy first because they go to the same school but then I had to pick up only eve because Luke was going to his friends house.
After everyone got in the car I told Mia to do her special trick. "Mia say it" I said she gave me the biggest cheeky smile and said it "mama mama mama" she said and put her paci back in every one started clapping very quietly and smiling very big for Mia. I could tell Mia was proud of her self and continue to practice words from that day on.

Anyways I wrote again, bye bye

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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