
446 8 5

You - Mia: 12
Jo: 5
Poppy: 10
Eve: 14
Luke: 16
PLOT: Jess washes Mias baby blanket and she hates getting it washed so she freaks out then Jess comforts her.
LOTS of fluff!

Jessica's pov:
While Mia was with her friends I was cleaning her room with her permission I saw her baby blanket and I can't remember the last time it was washed so I decided to wash it thinking nothing was wrong.

After I put it in the washer I got a text from Mia asking to be picked up.
(The text looking like this)

mia bia💗🛍️
M = mia
J = Jess
M: mama can u pick me up pls.
J: yes baby I'm coming right now I also clean your room up!
M: ty mama love you
J: your welcome baby love you too

Mias pov
After hanging out with my friends for a while I kinda just wanted to go home and be with mama.

"Hey guys ima have my mom pick me up in like 15 mins" I said and ofc Hannah being the pick me she is said

"Why are you being a baby and not staying with us, is it because you want ur mommy" she mocked.

"Literally Hannah just leave her alone if she wants to leave then let her she doesn't have to stay and that being said why don't u leave too" izzie said

"Thanks Iz and my moms here bye guys!" I said saying good bye to my other 4 friends

I got in the car and my mom noticed I was kinda down.

"Hey what's wrong?" She said giving me her 'mom' look

"Nothing it's just Hannah being mean again" I say just wanted to go home.

"Baby don't listen to anything she says" mama says pulling into the driveway.

As we get inside I say hi to eve and Jo who are sitting on the couch and then go to my room.

When I got into my room I went to go grab my blankey but it wasn't there. I started to look around for it. After 15 mins of looking everywhere and started crying and I guess my mom heard me because she ran into my room.

Jessica pov
When we got home I started dinner but around 10-15 mins later I heard crying and I realized it was Mia so I ran upstairs to see what happened.

When I got upstairs Mias eyes were red and puffy and her blankets and pillows were everywhere.

"Baby what happened?!" I asked concerned.

"I can't find it!" She said hyperventilating.

"First you have to breathe babe." I say pulling her into a hug.

She eventually calmed down and then I asked her what she couldn't find.

"My blankey mama I can't find it!" She said I realized I put it in the washer.

"I put it in the washer baby" I said thinking nothing of it.


As soon as she said that I ran to the laundry room and got the blankey out

——- time skip bc I'm lazy———-

Mias pov
After mama got my blankey out me and her watched greys anatomy which she didn't wanna watch but let me bc she felt bad.

I felt my eyes getting tired but I kept trying to fight sleep.

"Baby you can go to sleep I'm not gonna leave you and I'm so sorry I washed your blankey I love you." She whispered while playing with my hair.

"I love you to mama and it's ok" I say falling asleep while holding on to my blankey

A/N: AHHHH I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been busy but yeahhhhh I love yaaa and also im making this while being with being with my baby blanket it literally won't let my mom wash it and when she did one time i literally sobbed so she doesn't do it anymore 😛 anyway byeeee

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