Red Canyon Dominance

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"...what is this place?" she whispered.

Sarah and Claude were sitting at a table in a gloomy bar and sipping beer of questionable flavor.

"It's an underground city, right below Garreg Mach." Claude didn't bother keeping his voice low as the crowd was quite rowdy.

"A whole city under Garreg Mach?"

He chuckled. "Crazy, right? But to me, what's most unbelievable is the fact that the church is well aware of its existence and yet, it's not common knowledge at all. I only found out about it accidentally, something like two weeks ago–"

"So people just... live down here?"


"And the church knows about it?"

"From my understanding, they have an agreement to tolerate each other as long as they don't meddle in the other's affairs. That said, I'm pretty sure it serves the church much more than they would ever admit to publicly, since they occasionally get rid of people by banishing them to Abyss."

Sarah's eyes grew wide and she subtly looked around at the other patrons. Most were dressed just like them; nondescript clothes and a cloak that hid their features. "I have so many questions, but why bring me here?"

Claude smiled, with a spark in his eyes. "Well, as it turns out, Abyss has a library. One that's full to the brim with books and texts that the church doesn't want us to see."

She inhaled sharply through her nose as she took that in. "Wow, you must be completely sleep-deprived."

Claude sighed theatrically and rubbed his hand across his face. "You already know me too well," he chuckled, "I'll have to be more careful."

"Says the man who knows how I spend every minute of every day."

"That's on you for being so predictable," he teased.

Sarah scowled at him.

"You should take it as a compliment. I don't waste my precious time stalking just anyone." He winked.

"Sure," she replied dryly, then remembered she still had many questions that required answering. "How did you even find this city?"

"I saw someone vanish from that alley, so I got curious and followed them." Claude smiled and shrugged.

"Wha–" Sarah shook her head in disbelief. "Do you have a death wish?"

He shrugged again. "No risk, no reward."

"Goddess. I really shouldn't be here with you, this is insane."

"I can defend myself—and protect you too, for that matter. Not that you need my help. I heard about how you almost murdered Felix, by the way. Sylvain keeps recounting that fight you had with him, the one when you almost slit his throat. He just doesn't tire of it. You would think it's the best thing he's ever witnessed."

The memory of Felix's erection pressed between her legs flashed in her mind, making her blush. Thankfully the low-grade bar in an underground city was, unsurprisingly, not very well lit. "He deserved it."

"Heh, no doubt about that. The man has anger issues."

"I didn't realize you hung out with Sylvain?"

"Hm? Oh, I don't, really. He just talks very loud. I do like the guy though, he's entertaining. And I don't believe for a second he's the idiot he pretends to be. So, as you can imagine, I'm a little intrigued."

"In that case, I can share what I uncover about him with you, if you deserve it."

"Speaking of which," Claude said, pointing his index finger at her, "the other reason why I brought you here is that I think it's the perfect setting for us to exchange information. And I am well aware that it was an asshole move for me to make you go through that whole ordeal, but I needed to test your commitment to this partnership we're building."

Garreg Mach: Through the Eyes of a CommonerWhere stories live. Discover now