Chapter 5: Therapy in Session

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Two Months Later

Since the intervention, some things changed for the better and some for the worse.

The past two months were a work in progress for the Wilson/Taylor family. They had all started therapy. Mr. Fred and Mrs. Pat started Marriage Counseling as well as Zac and Fatima. Mrs. Pat was also doing individual therapy. She spends three times a week in therapy.

At first, she wasn't too keen about going but the more she felt comfortable with her therapist the more she liked going. Dr. Jada was like a friend she never had. Instead of pretending to be someone she wasn't she could finally let her guard down, tear down the wall, and be venerable.

For the better

Mrs. Pat loves going to individual therapy. She went twice a week. She felt a huge weight lifted off her every time she went. Talking about her childhood, adulthood, marriage, and her life without being judged is a great feeling. She would sit on the couch for what seemed like hours just pouring her heart out. Everyone saw a change in her, everyone but one person.

Fatima and her mother scheduled a mother/daughter day a week after. She wanted to be a part of her granddaughter's life. So, she knew she had work to do. She agreed to continue therapy and work on her relationship with Fatima.

They decided to go to a cooking class. It was cute and fun. They made a Cuban dish that turned out well. They also talked about Baby J and the things Fatima used to do when she was a baby. This is the closest they've been in almost a year. After a month of seeing some changed behavior, they let her see Baby J. They are taking baby steps though.

Also, Madea invited all of them over for Sunday dinner. It was Fatima, Zac, Madam, and Pat. That was a great start, but Baby J was sick so Fatima and Zac took a rain check. Pat didn't go either. She wasn't ready yet, but she did wish Madea a happy birthday. Something she hadn't done in several years.

For the Worse

Mrs. Pat and Pastor Fred's relationship hasn't improved. They did start seeing a therapist once a week, but the last two sessions didn't go well. He did move back home as promised. The problem was trying to get her back in church which led to arguments. She still felt something weird was going on with him and Ms. Linda. She was always around. 

Lady P's POV

Honestly Pat was tired of trying to be perfect. Being Pastor Fred's wife meant being the perfect wife, mother, friend, and First Lady. She was exhausted. In her last therapy session, she had alone, she told the therapist that she loved her husband, but no longer wanted to be the First Lady of the church. Dr. Jada advised her to be honest with herself and her husband.

She finally sat down and had a conversation with her husband.

"Pat, what do you mean you don't want to be the first lady of the church anymore? You know that I am a Pastor and that comes with the package," yelled Pastor Fred.

"It's always been about you. What about me and what I want to do? I will still go to church and have a relationship with God, just not the title of first lady," Mrs. Pat tried to get him to understand.

"Make that make sense, Patty. Do you or do you not want this marriage, because I can't keep doing this without you."

Pat sits in silence for a minute. 

"That was a question," he said.

"Maybe I'm not fit to be your wife anymore," she whispered as she got up and walked out of the room.

The Taylors 

Jurnee Zakari (pronounced Sakari with Z) is 3 1/2 months now and is such a happy baby. She is a daddy's girl and spoiled by everyone, Daddy, Mommy, Gigi Tam, Godmother Andi, and now Mimi Pat. 

Zac and Fatima decided to go to counseling. Their relationship is good, but they wanted it to be solid. They can work on communicating better. Fatima has a way of shutting down or running away when she doesn't want to discuss something. So, they have to work on that. Fatima's past has been an issue the entire relationship as far as Paris always returning and her mom trying to get her to be with him instead of Zac. In the counseling sessions, Zac has been able to lay down some boundaries when it comes to their friends and family. 


Pastor Fred and Mrs. Pat finally announced their divorce. Some people were shocked. They decided that they were going to share custody of Patrick. He is now 14 and becoming a young man that needs his father. He will stay with his mom 3 days a week and with his dad 4 days a week. 

After they talked to Patrick about their divorce, he has been acting out. So, they agreed to have family therapy to work through the divorce. 

Everything has been a work in progress and the last few months have been a whirlwind and Mrs. Pat is trying to hold it all together.

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