Ch.7: Game Of Chess

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Aurora De Martel had been in town since last night. She'd traveled here from across the world, having found out Klaus and Elijah lived here. And it didn't take long to realize that he'd moved on. And that he had another sister. She'd originally come to get her revenge on Elijah, but now she planned to get the blonde out of the picture. And a vengeful, hurt vampire was a dangerous one. Especially, an insane one.

It was daylight, when the red-haired vampiress entered the courtyard. The first person she saw was the blonde, and pinned her against a wall by the stairs, hand around her throat.

"Well, aren't you a thorn in my side. If I were you, I'd get lost and never come back. Nik was mine first."

"I don't know who you are, but that was the past. And I'm not going anywhere," Caroline replied to her. Considering her strength though, she wasn't going to fight her. She didn't know how old she was, but she seemed at least half as old as the Originals. If that was the case, she knew she didn't have the ability to win against her.

"It's been a long time, Aurora," Klaus stated, a distance away. "Why don't you let her go and tell me what you're doing here," he then demanded of her as nicely as he could muster.

Aurora didn't do as he asked, but did look over at him. The Original she was going to marry centuries ago.

"Why should I? It was going to be just you and me. We were going to get married. Remember? Now, you've moved on to some blonde baby vampire? Did you ever even think of me after you all fled?"

He took a few steps towards her, but still a distance away.

"Aurora, that was a long time ago. I can assume you're hurt, but don't take it out on Caroline. She's got nothing to do with our past. Yes. I remember we were going to get married, but you told me your love was an act before you turned, apparently. In the beginning, I did think of you, but thinking of you caused me nothing but hurt. I moved on from that. And from you. I found someone better. Someone that doesn't bring out my demons like we always did with each other," he replied, since it was apparent that she needed answers.

"Did it ever occur to you that what I said wasn't true?" she inquired of him. "I was upset and I let slip to Elijah your secret that haunted you back then. About what you did to your mother. He had a moment of...well, not being such an honorable brother. I think it was the first time he ever compelled. When he realized what he'd done, he didn't undo it. You may have found someone else, maybe better, but I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"Aurora, that was the past. Now, let her go before I force you," he reminded and threatened her.

With her hand still around her throat, she faced him, standing behind her, her free hand on her arm.

"You want her so badly? Why don't we play your favorite game. You know how this goes. Let's see how long she lasts with me."

In a blur, she was gone with her.

Elijah came to stand by him, having been watching from afar. He hadn't wanted to intervene, since he knew even when she was human, how insane she could be. Or was. He hadn't wanted his intervention to get his brother's love hurt or killed.

Klaus was going to leave to go get her back from Aurora, but Elijah put a hand on his arm.

"We'll get her back, but we can't just track her down. She might have a plan in motion."

"This wouldn't be happening if you hadn't made her do what she did. This is on you. You did this. I'm getting her back one way or another, and I'll deal with Aurora, but you best stay out of my way," Klaus replied, giving him a growl, before vanishing.

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