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❝𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉.❞

(Surah Ali Imran:185)

"Shyan, where are you taking me to?" Zoya asked, holding her husband's hands which were covering her eyes, "I hope you're not planning to push me off any cliff

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"Shyan, where are you taking me to?" Zoya asked, holding her husband's hands which were covering her eyes, "I hope you're not planning to push me off any cliff."

With a voice feigning surprise, he asked, "Huh? How did you know?" Resuming the walk, he added, "Let me guess, you went through my search history."

"Ha-ha-ha!" She scowled, "Just tell me!" She was losing the last thread of her patience. If he continue walking her for another second, she will be happy to dig a grave for him. Why won't she? After all, she had lost her sight for nearly fifteen minutes and her dear husband was not taking his hand from her eyes. Not only that - her cunning husband had murdered her sleep and mood, brutally!

"Patience is the key, Noor, patience," he mumbled near her ear, knowing that was something she never had.

When they were done with the shopping for their family, Zoya found her energy draining and took a quick nap after reaching their penthouse. For what felt like a power nap, she was met with a severe earthquake caused by her darling husband. Dragging her to the washroom, he threw water into her eyes over and over till he was convinced she wasn't sleepy anymore.. Though his wild idea helped her out of her sleepy mode, it pushed her into a very sour mood. Not wishing to increase her annoyance, he gave her time to perform her Maghrib namaz (prayer). Making sure, she was done with her prayer, he locked his hands over her eyes and forced her to walk with him to God knows where. Ever since then, the latter was grunting and grumbling.

"I believe, if you continue saying that, I'd lose i-"

"We're here!" He announced, before moving his hand off her eyes.

Getting her sight back, the first thing she saw was big black dots. Thanks to her kind husband for being so considerate. She blinked her eyes, trying to adjust with the lights.

Connecting his hand with hers, he walked them towards a table decorated with a white cloth and Blue petals. Blue string lights illuminated through the darkness making the decoration as well as the surrounding even more beautiful. Zoya was frozen on her place, taking every single details of the garnishment. She never thought blue could look as charming as this. The pool water reflected the lights and it was a cherry on the top. It took her a minute to realize they are still in the penthouse.

Shyan smirked watching his wife's eyes growing wide and wide as she watched his creativity. Oh, he knew he is a wizard when it comes to such arrangements! He had surprised his ex in many different ways when she came to him for her so called extra classes.

It was he who was leading them at the beginning but now, she took the lead. Noticing the food on the table, she jumped, "Aaaah!"

Her husband eyed her going up and like a bunny. He won't lie, he was amused, the girl was amusing and every second with her was a wonder. The amusement washed off as he heard her breathing audibly,

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