Gibe me da cookies :3

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A/N: .... sorry I missed chapter 5 and skipped it from the original work where the both of us authors wrote inside... TT.TT so sorry!

Hao: Cookies...

Mallow: Pardon?

Lana: All gone!

Lillie: Yup all mine!


Mallow: Ah... yeah... you are late for it. We ate it all and we are with Ash.

Kiawe: Where the hell are you even?

Hao: TT.TT I missed it...

Hao: Ocean, looking to see what the heck he was looking for.

Sophocles: I can't explain it as well.

Sophocles: Hey, Hao can I send you a location to check?

Hao: Yeah shoot it over I am lost like hell

Hao: It would be a big help!

Sophocles: Alright. I send it to you. There is a piece of well.. The water temperature isn't right there. Can you check what's going on?

Hao: Yup sure, damn thats not even that far...

Lana: I heard something about water isn't how it is....

Sophocles: No need to worry. I just wanna have someone check the place.

Hao: Hey Sophocles?

Hao: Is there supposed to be ice this time around?

Sophocles: No and it should be hot and boiling from what I can see

Hao: So why is the whole damn lake frozen!?

Hao: Isn't it like summer?

Lana: WHAT?!

Lana: WHERE?!

Mallow: Wait did you say lake? Aren't you at the ocean?

Prof. Kukui: Alright... how about not make the phone go off this much. I am trying to hide his phone because of you all.

Prof. Kukui: You know how much he is sensitive when it comes to the ocean right now. No need to make it worse.

Hao: Well I was at the ocean but then there was this...frozen lake..

Hao: I can't miss that thing!

Hao: It was RIGHT there!!!

Prof. Kukui: *sigh* Hao can you investigate it for now. I can't send Ash after all.

Hao: Its cold...I don't even know.

Hao: Kiawe you coming right?

Kiawe: Nope.

Kiawe: Promised my sis I would be with her.

Kiawe: Family you know...

Kiawe: Also can't say no or it will be hell.

Hao: Damn...

Hao: Lillie? You are a ice type trainer anyways?

Lillie: Forget it! I am with Ash and the girls!

Hao: ...

Hao: Sophocles???

Hao: I'm gonna be alone for this one aren't I?

Sophocles: Do you ever see me go out for this?

Sophocles: I am always asking Ash for this kind of stuff.

Mallow: Good luck on this one.


Hao: Gee, thanks...

Hao: Professor you gotta light your fireplace when I get back dude!

Hao went offline

Lana: Soo what are you up to with your sis Kiawe?

Kiawe: Teaching her how to ride Charizard, she's been asking since last month...

Kiawe: I'd literally die if I refused.

Mallow: Oh how cute!

Mallow: Such a good big brother you are!

Kiawe: Do you even know how many times she nearly fell off...

Lillie: That's normal for a beginner.

Lillie: Just be patient with her.

Kiawe: ...

Kiawe: Fine...

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