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Four fingers and a thumb twitched, it was barely anything but to Dream it was a huge start.

It moving felt strange, sending strange motions along his arm. Frowning he tried again, the whole hand and arm moved this time.

He'd never had motions in his body in the dreams, and wasn't sure if he liked it. It was frustrating, at least no one other then one nurse had said he'd relearn to use his body.

That nurse had not come back, he hadn't liked her.


He hadn't been able to learn in the first place.

"That's very good," the nurse that was helping to learn to move said, she smiled as they went over the next exercise. This one was nice, she went at a pace he was comfortable with.

He wouldn't find out till later, once he understood more of the multiverse that she was fired for being rough with people in the hospital.

He managed a small smile behind the breathing mask, he liked smiling once she explained it. He'd practiced lots, as he wasn't use to moving a face.

"Are you up to a guest today?" she asked kindly, as after there sessions he usually was exhausted and fell asleep.

He hummed the only noise he could make.

"One hum for yes, two for no," she told him.

Dream hummed once.

"I'll be right back Dream, someones been waiting to meet you daily," she said heading to the door, curious he waited even if a nap did sound good.

"Hello Dream..." a strange goopy monster said walking into his room, single cyan eye staring at him sadly and taking one of his hands "My name is Nightmare, I'm your brother and I've been waiting a very long time to meet you."

And, for the first time ever Dream felt safe.

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