Under a Moon

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Happy Anniversary of Puppet in chains, posting this out of its usual Sunday Posting as a year ago The very chapter was posted.

Nightmare sat on a gardening bench, his expression was blank. His cyan eye light stared at the moon above him, ignoring the party inside. Let his boys celebrate, it had been a year after all.

A year since the truth came out.

A year since Dream was freed.

"What's chilling Brah, missing a party?" A cheerful voice said, turning around, the goop covered skeleton saw Fresh. He.. didn't quite know what to make of this skeleton, the 90's lingo, censor, furby obsessed, monster.

They were someone that had made friends with Dream, he was unsure of how that had happened, and part of him understood that he never would.

But he was a good friend, and he'd seen how they had easily taken over Epic, who was known to curb stomp pretty much everyone.

"Needed the quiet for my thoughts, I worry that such a being, that had possessed Dream, may come back. Dream is very innocent and he can't fight." He admitted, turning to look at the moon again, knowing the other would unlikely tell anyone.

He was pretty sure that half of them thought that Fresh was a parasite, and he had no idea why's...

Other than for Fresh's amusement, of course.

"No worries, I made sure none of things can get in." Fresh said.

Nightmare's gaze swung to Fresh, some part of him freaked out by the drop of the usual lingo.

"Who... You're not what you seem to be are you?" He managed to say, unnerved by the grin Fresh was giving him.

"Sorry Brah, I have no idea of what's in your noggin." Fresh said, giving a peace symbol, and then, skating out.

Nightmare looked up at the moon again, and then, he headed inside.

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