Chapter 7: Living in Fear

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I'm walking on the street, AirPods in my ear. It's gotten so chilly outside. How... come I didn't notice?

Wait... is that Jin in the distance? With... my brother? As I walk towards them it feels harder to breathe and more difficult to stay on my two feet.

"Is it really true?", Jin asks coldly. "YOU.... have a crush on me?"

My brother stands beside him, smirking.

Jin pushes me. "You don't stand a chance. NOBODY would ever have a crush on you. Know your place."

Jin and my brother begin to laugh while walking away from me.

I start to scream...

Jin would never say such a thing-
I wake up in bed all of a sudden out of shock, sweating.

Thank the lords it was just a dream. I look at my side table at the alarm clock. 3:21AM.

I can't keep living with the fear that my brother is actually going to tell Jin that I like him.

I get ready, eat breakfast and run out the house to catch the bus to get to school.

The day remains rather uneventful. However, there was something that happened during lunch...

I sat with Jisoo and we were expecting for Taehyung to arrive at the lunch table. However, he passed by us without giving a single glance.

What happened?

We both finish our lunch quickly and head outside to see if Taehyung went to go read something at his favorite tree.

He... wasn't there.

Me and Jisoo could tell by the looks on our faces that our levels of concern were rising for him. We decide to split up and look everywhere where we think he could have gone.

Not a single trace of him.

Where did he rush off to all of a sudden?

I ended up shrugging it off and Jisoo continued her search for him.

At the end of the day at school I spot Jisoo walking alone.

"Did you manage to find him?", I asked.

Jisoo nodded slowly and walked away.

"That was strange", I say inside of my head.

I don't really think much of it. However, I'm mesmerized when Jin waves and comes up to me and hands me over a small gift box.

"Hey", he waves pretty shyly. "Please give this to your mom. It's a thank you gift for last night."

"Oh... alright. I'll make sure to give it to her."

Me and Jin notice that we're taking the same bus.

"Oh, you take this bus too?", he asks and chuckles.

"O-uh yes, aha...", I respond back.

The bus arrives and I go and take my seat. What happens next surprises me. Jin... comes and sits next to me! Oh my god. He chose to sit next to me when his other friends are on this same bus too!? Gosh, I feel so special right now.

He stays on his phone the entire time which allows for me to steal a few glances at me. When he notices its my stop, he waves goodbye to me.

"Make sure to give your mom the present!", he says while I get up.

"I will".

I arrive home and my thoughts of curiosity start to spiral back up again. What could Jin have possibly given to my mother?

I sneakily open the gift box and take a little peek. Inside there's a note that reads:

"The talk about fragrances from last night was great! My dad owns a fragrance company and since it seems to peak your interest, I was able to grab a bottle from our newest collection. I hope you enjoy it!"

Inside is a perfume bottle with quite the creative design.

Gosh, he's so thoughtful. I know mother is going to enjoy using that. I set the gift box on her nightstand.                                                                                                                                                                                 _______________________________________________________________________________

The rest of the day goes relatively normal, however I am avoiding my brother more than usual ever since what he told me the other day. He usually makes me feel uneasy, but I think I've unlocked a new level of uneasy because of him.

Today's first period class is biology. Jisoo usually sends me a good morning message but today it seemed like that wasn't happening. Come to think of it she had been acting strange ever since the whole looking for Taehyung situation from yesterday. 

Though... where DID Taehyung go?

All these thoughts were rushing through my head as I roamed through the hallways and arrived in class. I was a bit late and everyone was already there. I noticed Jin sitting right next to-

RIGHT! The biology teacher sat him next to me...

As I sit down, Jin says...

"We're doing a biology project."

I nod and continue listening to the teachers lecture!

"Whoever you're sitting next to is who you are paired up with for this project! Please make sure to follow everything on the rubrics!"

Me and Jin turn to face each other, my heart pounding out of my chest.

"Aye! We're partners!", Jin says.

Wow, this-this is actually happening...

"Y-yeah... we are", I say in a tone of disbelief.

"I know your place can be quite busy but... I am home alone... I... live in my own apartment so if you wanna work on it there..."

Oh my god oh my god oh my god. YES YES YES YES-


Jin smiles and winks as the bell rings. "So, after school is good?"

"Y-yeah.." We both get up and walk to our next classes.

This-this is actually happening!

I'm in high spirits up until lunch when I go to my usual lunch spot but neither Taehyung nor Jisoo is found. That's strange... Jisoo is like... never absent! 

I don't understand what's going on...

I text Jisoo "Jisoooooo!!! Where are you??? Are you seriously going to leave me alone and hanging?" I add an angry emoji. 

She opens the message soon after, but never responds.


But... this isn't like Jisoo... sure Taehyung can be like that... but Jisoo? No... Something's wrong. Something has gotten into Jisoo and Taehyung and I need to get to the bottom of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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