6. Sacred Grease

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Ash was sitting on the forest floor, breathing heavily as he always did, he was lost in the forest and didn't know how to get back, the obese lard ball sighed heavily, he slowly raised his hand, reached into his pocket and took out his phone which was oily and covered in butter from coming in contact with Ashs skin, he tried turning it on but the butter was too much for the phone, it let out one last breath and shut down, never to be turned on again.
Ash sighed heavily, the mere thought of having to move his obese body was too much for him, but he did it nonetheless, the thought of Dream gave him strength, he almost fell over when he was getting up, he grunted loudly as the exercise was too much for him, there was no way he could walk anywhere like this, suddenly, his obese oil filled brain turned on for a slight second and gave him an idea.
Ash smiled deviously and wiped some sweat and grease from under his armpit, he got onto his knees and started carefully drawing a pentagram, just like his grandmother had taught him, he reached under his stomach and took a handful of grease and fat, he formed perfectly 12 candles using his body materials and carefully placed them around the pentagram, once he was done he sneezed and lighted them all up, the fat he used to form the candles was dense enough for them not to melt right away.
Ash, proud of his work, fell to his knees and started praying, praying for the heavens to give him his beloved Dream back.

- Więc uwu - he said, the love he was feeling towards Dream was too much and Ash started lactating from his obese buttery breasts.

Ash raised his arms, once his armpits have shown from under the absolutely horrendous amounts of body fat, a disgusting smell spawned. All the grass in the range of ten meters instantly died and turned into smelly ashes. The greasy monster took a deep breath.

- Now, for the love of Dream, I'm saying these words.. - he muttered and took an even bigger breath, then opened his mouth. - Z okazji urodzin życzę Ci: anielskiej cierpliwości przy czytaniu tych życzeń, szczęścia w życiu osobistym, dobrego zdrowia, domku z ogrodem i basenem, eleganckiej limuzyny, samych zwycięstw, spełnienia marzeń, miłych niespodzianek losu, grona prawdziwych przyjaciół, niewyczerpanych pokładów energii, uśmiechu na co dzień, drogi usłanej różami, genialnych pomysłow, słodkiego miłego życia, świeżości spojrzenia, głównej wygranej na loterii, pozytywnej aury...

Ash's eyes opened wide, they turned absolutely bloody-red. He fell onto the ground, barely breathing. He clenched his small and fat fists. He had to finish the ritual.

- Pogody ducha!!!!!!!! - he continued with a fresh shot of energy that hit his sick body - Gorącej miłości, wygodnych butów, cudownych wakacji, szczęścia, punktualnych autobusów, świetego spokoju, żadnych trosk, rześkich poranków, pomyślności, trafnych decyzji, intuicji w interesach, prezentów od losu, dużego łóżka, pękatego portfela, dear Satan!

The sweaty beast was proud of himself. The second part of the ritual was done. Now the third part of the satan prayer had to be done.

- I love Satan, I praise satan. - the oily elephant yowled. - Amo penen, laudo penis, sum pius penis, oro penis cottidie, cara satana! 

The moment he finished the prayer, the whole sweat pentagram started burning. The flamed up fat was spraying everywhere, especially on Ash since he was really a huge lard ball. A red figure came out of the pentagram. Satan. Ash fell on his knees and started praying, his sweat was forming a stream in the grass' ashes, it smelled horrible. Liquid diarrhea was bombarding out of his dirty anus. He got an instant heil hitla and started pissing urine and cum. He was praying the whole time, crying. He then fell on his face and began to bow to his lord, ocassionally taking little sips from his sweat, pee and shit stream.

- Please, Satan! - Ash cried, tears and grese exploding out of his eyes. - Please bring my love, Dream, back! We have a child! We had a home!..

Satan looked at him with his not so devine eyes because it was literally Satan.

- Listen, you fucking fat ass greasy obese shitty sweaty crusty musty ball of urine. - he yelled. - You have to do a task I'll give you.

- What task, my lord?..

- You need to stab a few minors from Discord in the back. - said Satan. - You need to be horrible to their asses.

- B-But... - Ash sobbed in complete misery. - But...

- Do you want to see your fucking moon ahh faced husband? - asked Satan, irritated.

- Yes, lord. - Ash now said in a serious tone. - I'll do what I can. Thank you, oh dear, greatest Satan! Just know i pray to you every afternoon!

Satan not so devinely rolled back to the little pond made out of piss, shit, cum, sweat and grease. All the fat stopped burning in the blink of an eye.
Ash stretched his obese arm and scratched his greasy, covered in shit bootycheek with his little fingers. When he finished the disgusting activity, some dried up diarrhea was left under his tiny nails. He reached to his mouth with the dirty hand, made a pop sound with his lips and licked the poop off of his fingers. He tought it was extremely tasty.

Now the obese monster knew what he had to do to bring his beloved husband, Dream, back to life. But does his fat body have the energy to do all of that?
He doubted he could stab some random ass teenagers in the back. It wasn't the fact that he didn't have the heart to do that, it's just that his health was so down bad he probally wouldn't be able to type on a keyboard. For him it was extremely hard and anything he touched got instantly covered in the sweat and grease... sometimes even shit if he didn't wipe his ass correctly.

Ash suddently remembered the times when he was 3 years old. He got flashbacks from one specific day from his childhood.

He opened his eyes. He was in a small, dirty room with his mother who baked him a cake for his birthday. She wasn't smiling at all, rather looking at Ash in absolute disgust, knowing how fucking retarded her son was. She smashed the cake on the tiny greasy monster's face.
The door opened.

- Gniewomir? - Ash's mother was shocked. - What is your fucking ass doing here? Why weren't you with us when your son was growing up?

It was Ash's long lost father who abandoned the family when his son was born.
The man didn't respond. He just took off his pants, shat on his hairy hand and walked up to Ash. He proceeded to shove the fat poop up his son's throat, ignoring the obese child pissing and shitting itself while choking on the humongous shit. When he was finished, he walked out of the house without saying a word.
Ash's mother just looked at her son gulping up his own father's stool with shiny eyes, not crying anymore. She realised that Ash is never going to be smarter than a newborn with the down syndrome so she packed her bags and left the house too. 

Ash came back to reality the moment his mother slammed the crusty door shut.
He needed to soothe his anger, he is going to stab these children in their bony backs.
The greasy beast clenched his round little fists, roared with all of his power and fell to the ground, laughting like an absolute psycho. His toughts were gone, he was feeling like an absolute god of obesity and psychosis.

- I feel like I'm ten feet tall and nothing frightens me at all, ready to fight and tonight, I'm out of control. I'm finally done concealing, I'm feeling like an animal!!! - he sang with a deep voice he's never had before. - I'l destroy everyone who will try to interrupt me on my way to success, on my way to get Dweamy Cweamy back!

He started running with all of his power, so he just walked really slowly while panting and lactating milk out of his huge tits. 

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