7. Screen.

13 2 4

Ash finally made it to his old house. He was completely wet, like if you soaked him in oil and water (except it was actually his buttery sweat). He was breathing heavily, spitting out lots of saliva and boggers with every single desperate attempt to swallow some oxygen so his little, sick lungs could create some energy for his obese body.

The second he noticed the crusty door, he got an instant heil hitla. Ash ran into the door without even opening it, he just mauled it, leaving some sweat and grease on the walls as they were too small for him to enter the building without scratching him a little.
As he walked into the small room, he saw lots of stairs, atleast going down not up, which was a really pleasing detail. The obese monster rolled down the stairs, leaving fat and piss on everything he touched. He didn't expect the house to be as dirty as it is right now, but he shouldn't complain, it could be worse and the lard ball was too fat and he basically had no money so he wouldn't be able to clean it up. 

Ash stormed into a scruffy fucking room at the speed of light. He hit the dirty, crusty wall. In the room, there was just an old laptop and a pissy, shitty mattress with some kind dry stains on it, he really didn't want to know what they were from, he just looked away. Ash smiled like an absolute psycho he was. Quite normal for an obese monster like him. He didnt mind some unkown stains on an old mattress. He atleast had a house. His last one was destroyed by his own stinky semen that Dream drowned in too. Ash's smile faded away in a second and his face went red. He missed his devine husband a lot.

- I fucking hate Deutschland. - Ash suddently whispered under his breath.

He decided to turn the old laptop on, so he waddled towards it, ground was shaking with every step he made. Grease was spraying everywhere. He did it. He finally pressed the damn button. Discord. He needs Discord. 

- OH MY GACHA GOD OC!! - the obese monster yelled, spitting grease while talking. - DISCORD. DISCORD, THERE IS DISCORD. 

The little Discord icon was there for sure. Ash's wiener pulled an instant heil hitla upon this sighting. He had an account once... Good 'ol times when world was beautiful and life was greasy and obese but acceptable, I guess. Ash clicked it. He clicked the white ass in a blue square. The app has opened almost instantly. He couldn't believe his puss-filled bloodshot eyes. He was logged into an account. He slowly squinted his puss-filled eyes a little to see the username. 

- Ash the wolfie. - he moaned, spitting out lots of saliva and oil everytime he opened or closed his mouth. - I-I... I f-f-felt so n-nostalgic for a s-split second... 

Ash clicked the button with some really stylized drawing of three people on it. It was the button that could make you see your friendlisth. Ash had no one in there. Well, that was no fucking suprise, like literally.. Think about it. Who the fuck would add such a obese, greasy monster with no life on Discord?
The fat fucker didn't ever really think of this aspect. Not really suprised about it. His brain contained so much fat that it was a real challange to make decisions or actually think. A small, petite brain of Ash, built in 60% out of fat, grease and some other nasty shit that you probally wouldn't want to hear about. 

Ash eventually got tired of discord. He was completely insane but he knew that his obese ass was too good to use dark mode. He of course had that fucking flashlight nigtmare fuel (aka the Discord light mode) turned on ever since he opened the app for the first time, when he was 13 years old. The screen was so kurwing dirty that it was extremely hard to read anything that was being displayed on it as all the dirt, piss  grease, cum and other gross shit, you know the drill, was reflecting light like thousands of sweaty, dirty diamonds. 

He decided to google some juicy Hitler x Stalin fat fetish porn. The hairy monster knew that the communist died because of his actions. He absolutely demolished his face and watched him as he was bleeding out. As the images finally loaded, Ash took his pants off and searched for his tiny itty bitty manly organ. He could already feel the cum that was gonna explode out of it once he starts beating his meat to Hitler x Stalin fat fetish porn. He finally succeeded, his little, fat hand has grabbed the little pp. He was scrolling trough the photos while he was slapping his little Peter, cum and fat bombarding everything around him. It may not sound so scary, but if you would have ever seen this horrifying scene with your own eyes, you would be truly traumatised right now and I am DEFINITELY NOT JOKING. 

Suddenly, something that truly surprised Ash happened. A hand came out of the greasy screen. After the hand, there came a whole arm, then the head and.. Oh my dear god. Ash instantly recognised that face. The square mustache. You know who I'm talking about. 

- H-Hitler?.. - the obese monster squealed, he couldn't believe his eyes. 

- Fuck niggers. 

Hitler pulled out a knife from his führer pocket and made a cut on Ash's right arm. A few drops of blood rolled down his oily skin as the fatass moaned in ecstasy. He had a pain kink sort of a thing. The anti-semite rubbed his finger on the wound, the scarlet liquid sticked to his finger. He bück diched, so he could reach the floor and draw a hammer and sickle symbol with the blood he just collected. Jewish blood. Ash had Jewish ancestors. He never really cared about it, even now, he was just too self-centered to think about things like those. But he was shocked. Nazis weren't supposed to do that kind of things, especially Hitler himself. He continued to stare the German down as he salluted for a few seconds. 
Suddenly, Stalin appeared on the hammer and sickle symbol. Out of nowhere. Mf just popped up like all the fat fetish porn Ash was searching for on google. Both of the war criminals started kissing passionately.
After they were done, Hitler ripped Ash's pants off and started destroying his little anus with his führer flamenwerfer. The flames were demolishing the obese monster's intestants, his guts were spraying out of him along with oil and fat. The strong smell of lard was emanating out of him while the oily beast was screaming in horrid pain. 

- Die nigger!!

Ash's body was unable to regenerate dead cells due to the amount of fat in his blood. His immune system was completely gone. The flamenwerfer was too strong for the lard ball's body. He was trying but all he achieved was his saggy testicles exploding because the pressure was too much for them. The oily blood that was spraying out of them was extremely hot. It flooded the room and melted both of the war criminals slowly, letting them suffer.

The sweaty creature was laying on the floor, covered in the oil he just created. He stood up like nothing happened.

- Iks de. - he said with a lip pop and started snorting like if he was gonna choke because he was too obese to let out a normal giggle. - Iks de de de.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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