⋉ The Play ⋊

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The play that went wrong.

Xie Lian thought he was good at acting.

At least, okay enough.

What he didn't account for...

was San Lang.

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The curtains lifted up, the lights glared into one's soul, urging people to squint. Xie Lian took a trembling breathe from behind the shadowed corner. All the chatters made him nervous. The lights roaming the stage, searching for a soul to latch onto made him nervous. He repeated the lines over and over in his mind lest he forgot.


The chatters died down, like licking flames perished and gallant waves subsided. Somehow it made the atmosphere more tense.

Holding his breathe, Xie Lian strode forward, the lights immediately clinging on to him. The lights weren't the only ones that clung on to him though - cameras with their lifeless mirrors, reflecting his curled fists and judging glints from those present. They all clung to him, seeping through his shirt and engulfing his body. It made him sweat. It made it suffocatingly hot. At that moment, he gulped a realization.

He forgot.

He forgot the lines.

His heart drummed against his skin. What am I ought to do now? He was lost in the meaningful stares and cameras clicking. So lost he completely overlooked the presence behind him, until a lean hand grasped his shoulder. It was as though cold water was dumped on him, mercilessly pulling him into reality.

Turning back, all he saw was a red jacket. Then a smirk, then a silver mask, and then a face.

"Hello." The voice pulled all the attention, despite it being a mere whisper.

He must be the bridegroom, Xie Lian thought. The play was about an ambitious young dancer who just started her career. She wanted nothing more but to immerse herself in music, feel the adrenaline rush through her veins as she danced. Her narrow-minded parents, who did not support her career, made a contract with a powerful business man [ or perhaps a boss of an underground organization, Xie Lian wasn't sure ] and sent her off. She ran away, only to find herself in the man's territory.

"Mn.." Xie Lian whimpered. As he looked up, he was struck by how brilliant the man's eyes were, penetrating through the half- silver mask. One glowed red - radiating reassurance, and the other black obsidian held glistening shimmers like the sparkles of a golden dome.

The man in the silver mask, which was crowned on his sharp nose, stretched out his right arm with the other folded behind him. Without a second thought, Xie Lian clasped his hand; caught in his brilliant eyes. He walked ahead, gently pulling Xie Lian along with him. Amid all those curious stares, Xie Lian concentrated only on the soft humming of the man. It was reassuring. As if telling him there was nothing to worry about.

There indeed is nothing to worry about.

As they made their way little by little on the stage, he heard the man chuckle. Xie Lian sent him a questioning look - what's so funny? Perhaps noticing his gaze, the bridegroom rubbed his nose with his index finger.

"I just find it amusing," he replied with a lingering laugh. "to stroll under a fake sky - he looked up at the painted ceiling - on an equally fake night. But it feels more natural than hearing the insects talk; makes me want to treasure this moment, you know princess?"

"Maybe." Xie Lian said, inadvertently tugging the clasped hands. He glanced at the confused audience. Madam Xuan Ji was glaring knifes at him, probing with her eyes just what the hell they were doing. He turned back and feigned ignorance.

Wait. Did he call me 'princess'? Ah, well, maybe the man was following the script's address. Too bad Xie Lian couldn't recall the lines. what should he do? What should he d-

"Don't you find it amusing?"

"Huh? what?" He snapped back into reality. The man chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "Guess I bored you out so much that you refuse to listen to me." Xie Lian waved his arms in the air, wanting to say, 'No, it's not like that!'

But before he could do so much as retort, the man pulled out the other hand behind his back - which held a crimson umbrella with graceful golden linings, like golden-furred unicorns dancing in a field of red carnations.

"I'll show you something amusing," he whispered near his ear. When did he get so close? He snapped his umbrella open and soon, a dark shadow covered their faces. Xie Lian blinked, pinning his big, curious eyes on the masked man. The bridegroom seemed to gesture something to the management.


A soft pitter-patter drummed on the umbrella's head, scarlet drops dripping from the edges. Xie Lian stretched out his arm. Cool scarlet drops soaked his hand, feeling around and dipping into his sleeves - it looked like gushing blood!

"See? amusing, isn't it?" A warm breathe puffed on his right ear. Xie Lian turned around and beamed at him.

"Mhm! It looks like its raining blood!"

The eyes of the man peeking out of the mask softened." Well, I can make it rain blood."

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To Be Continued!

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Author's note:

Hua Cheng: See Gege! I can make it rain blood!

More like the management staff can do that. XD

*Xie Lian and Hua Cheng in their own world* Meanwhile the audience, Xuan Ji and the camera man: O-o

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