„He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at that fucking fagg-"
John 8:7 maybeHello there my fellow gays in Hell, we're entering the „Protect Austria" focus shaped like a fucking dick with country balls entering into Hitler's stomach.*
( I refuse to give any more details )
We got fascist friends, we got anocratic friends, I need to get the fuck out of here before Hitler bombs us again.**
Yeah, this unit from Bulgaria with a bearded bear*** truly's gonna be our friends if they are asked since we deposed the king, this man is so fucking good, that he shoots the coin in mid-air, just like V1.
This četnik unity with Bulgarians is totally historically accurate, specifically made to test our willpower to have Italians as friends, and willing to deal with Adolf Hitler. You really have to understand the četniks to destroy their asses.
Ah yes, my favorite event of them all, the formation of the Četnik Movement before 1941. This shit's like Ravna Gora events for anime set in Cairo 1983. ****
This is definitely me when I have to deal with my own dickhead personality.
I love being trapped inside Drvar, it's just like when Tito was saved by Satan himself after Nazis paradropped there.
Now I can understand that this focus of protecting Vienna bitches under the orders of Benito Mussolini is a weird idea, but we have to cuck Adolf Hitler from his pimps in Innsbruck, but at this point, I know that Spyeter won't remove Ljotić as a possible leader, so why should I fucking care?
It is a personal introspective since we learn by now that we became bitches to the regime in Rome, and honestly, since I forever lost the chapter where I simp for Misato Katsuragi, my will for life has disappeared. I will kill your dog right now Spyeter.
Why yes Katrin, nisam nikad' bio fin, ali si mi uvek bila draga, just like Balašević when he left the train in Grenoble and never saw that beautiful girl again.***** Why do you ask me if I am a proponent of Ante Pavelić?
Hello there Pink Floyd fans, we are now in the flesh, and we have defeated Draža Mihajlović with ease.
„Retreat to your grave right now!"
I think my personal ghost Aleksandar is getting a phone call from God.
„For what purpose do you seek the pact with Italians, Stojadinoviću?"
I don't know, why are you allowing me to do that?
„To question Serbian God is a blasphemy Stojadinoviću. But for your personal caringosity* Stojadinoviću, I am driving this world like a fucking HOI4 run."
„It appears that you don't wish to appease my needs Stojadinoviću. As a righteous hand of the Serbian patriarchy, I will beat YOUR ass back INTO fucking AUSTRALOPITHECUS!"
I think someone has nationalistic issues.
Yugoslavia UltraHearts Reworked: ACT I
HumorUNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, DO NOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY Shitpost is based on mash between the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron 4, with an extremely cringe community, and FPS retro shooter, ULTRAKILL. The story is basically almost incoherent, but if I w...