14 ❦ little vixen

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The blonde curled, pretty and siren eyed girl told me to follow her. She looked like someone straight out of a mermaid movie, like one of those pretty girls with magical auras. "Don't worry, Angelina. At first it seems intimidating, but trust me, it will get better." she winked, giving me a smile.

"Thank god. But I'm so nervous, you know." I say softly. The anxiety was crawling up to my spine, the large crowds of loud people drinking, dancing and kissing made me a bit paranoid and startled. I didn't know much about clubbing and partying and this dark blue neon lighted place made me so curious of the unknown.

"There's nothing to be nervous about. I'm working with you behind the bar, just say say the words and I'll help." she says.

Josie was her name, a bartender. She was young like me, but just 3 years older. When I entered the nightclub, I asked an employee to show me the way to the staff only rooms and there was Josie, starting her shift, she was the one who was assigned to show me around and teach me the ways.

I put a strand of hair behind my ear, batting my lashes I looked around, it reeked of drunk people and sweat. Pole dancers were dancing in the middle of the large sized club and I amazed , it was the first time seeing something like this.

We were nearing the bar and Josie introduced me to another guy behind the bar. "Xavier, this is Angelina, she's new and working with us tonight."  The tall raven black haired guy gave me a cheeky smile as he gave me a wink. "Ah, fresh meat."

I nervously chuckled. Of course I was the new one. "It's nice to meet you." I say. He nods his head pouring a drink before saying. "Likewise."

"That's Xavier, he's been working here for the past few years, you can ask him anything. He's a good guy." she says.

After a while Josie teached me some things, how to change the taps, which drinks to pour and the names. I remembered every single one she told me. I was really getting the hang of it already. "Thanks Josie, I think I know what to do now." I say, beginning to pour a drink for a customer. Josie glanced at me and her eyebrows rose as she bumped my arm smilingly. "Yeah, I was beginning to notice. Now you go girl!"

The night was long, loud and all too much for me. But the least I could have expected from this job is that I was having fun. Pouring drinks, trying to make small talk with the customers ordering. It's something I was always afraid of. People and talking, I'm basically an anxious and nervous wreck. But I think this is good for me, a place where I can socialize and earn my own money.

So I had fun and that's really all that mattered.

"For fuck sakes. Is there anyone in this fucking place that can do anything properly. Or are ya too fuckin' retarted too understand!" a voice yelled.
I turn my head from the bar and there stood Mr Graves talking to someone on his phone as he scolded them. "You know what Tommy, I'll figure it out myself. I don't need ya fucking help." he hang up the phone before saying. "Worthless piece of shit."

I secretly eyed at him in curiosity and then he catched me, his eyes wandering over me as a charming filthy smile formed on his lips. I felt a grudging urge inside of me, I wanted to scream, to die. He's nothing more but a monster and not one of the good ones like the ones I would fall in love with. His dark formal clothes radiated the same bad energy as his aura and he wore the face of a demon.

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