6. How Dare You!

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** Characters and some places belong to J.K Rowling. They do not belong to me. I am merely borrowing them. But the ideas are purely mine. Thank you & enjoy, fans. ES <3 **

6. How Dare You!

Silence filled the flat, broken only by Artemis’ light meows and the frantic breaths between the three. Ron’s eyes flickered between Hermione and Ginny.

Ginny glared at the other woman, her brown eyes staring into hers; the silence and the tension slipping from Ron, reeled in her temper. She could have easily crossed the room and wringed the woman’s neck but thought better of it. Instead, she looked at Ron and frowned at him; he was staring at Hermione as if she’d grown another head in the last few moments. His mouth was open in shock and Ginny wondered if she’d looked similar when she’d found out.

“Tell me it isn’t true and don’t even think about lying to me!” He yelled suddenly. Hermione flinched at the volume of his voice.

Ginny watched her brother sadly. Honestly, she felt terrible having to be the one to tell him the complete truth behind her break up with Harry; including the hideous truth of his girlfriend and his best friend’s infidelity. She could see his heart breaking in front of her and it boosted her anger.

Hermione’s brown eyes filled with tears as she stared at Ron but Ginny didn’t feel bad for her, not the least bit. Why should she? Hermione put herself in the position, Ginny thought bitterly with a shrug.

“Answer me!” Ron yelled and Hermione nearly jumped out of her skin. Ron stepped in front of her and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her. “Answer me, dammit!”

“Ron – Ron!” Hermione cried. “I – it’s…I love you.”

Ginny snorted in disbelief and sat on a chair in the dining room, crossing her legs and watching them.

The two ignored her.

“Is it true?” Ron asked as he stopped shaking Hermione. “It’s true, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Hermione whispered in response; she was looking down at her feet, her hands clinging to the bottom of her jumper.

“Bastard, that bloody bastard, I’ll kill him!” Ron growled; his face a bright red. His eyes burned. He looked at Hermione once more and then apparated instantly. Ginny’s eyes widened; oh boy, she thought, there goes trouble.

Hermione watched in horror as he disappeared. “Where – where – where is he going?” She cried out, looking around the living room.

“To Harry’s, I’m sure.” Ginny said from her seat.

Hermione’s eyes shot towards Ginny as if she’d forgotten she was there.

Ginny closed her eyes, forcing herself to relax. “Now get your arse out,” Ginny said levelly even though inside her blood was boiling dangerously; she’d held her temper for long enough. She’d let Ron have his moment and now, she was dangerously close to doing something bad… or good.

“You!” Hermione yelled furiously, her wand in her hand instantly and aimed it at Ginny.

The thing about Hermione was that she was a genius, the smartest witch of their age. She had mastered non-verbal spells long ago and when Ginny saw her swish her wand, she knew instantly what Hermione was trying to do.

Protego!” Ginny yelled, jumping to her feet and deflecting Hermione’s spell.

Hermione’s eyes narrowed, “HOW DARE YOU! YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO TELL HIM!”

Ginny stared at the woman in front of her in complete shock. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She couldn’t believe that Hermione actually believed the things she was saying.

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