Chapter 51

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Wanda still felt incredibly guilty about not noticing when I was fading from her. I could tell every time she came to visit me. She was visiting me again, curled up next to me on the bed with her head resting on my chest.

“I know you feel guilty…” I started, not sure how to go about this conversation. I didn’t know how to make Wanda feel better. But I desperately wanted to assure her that I was okay and that she shouldn’t feel guilty.

“You… don’t always need to be reading my mind, Wanda. From someone who can’t turn off her own… similar powers, it’s too exhausting. I’m sure that’s why I do… retreat, sometimes. To get a break from everything. I know… I understand that you’re feeling a certain way. And of course, you have a right to be experiencing the feelings you’re feeling and I don’t want to tell you to ‘just change them’ or some bullshit like that. But… even if you had noticed, sweetie, I think… it would’ve happened anyway. And… this time, a lot of good came out of it.”

“I… I just feel like I should have noticed,” she whispered in a sad tone. I went to respond but she started talking again. “I didn’t even notice when the electric feeling faded, Pietro did. Pietro realized you weren’t okay before I did.”

“Darling,” I said gently, encouraging her to look at me. “You are not inferior because of that. You are not to blame,” I told her. She nodded but I could tell she didn’t believe it.

“Can you help me with something, love?” I questioned. She nodded, sitting up to look at me.


“Help me train. Help me begin to understand. Help me begin being able to control my abilities rather than letting them control me.” She nodded, thinking about it.

“Okay… but… can Stephen be there?” she questioned. I frowned slightly, realizing that she just didn’t trust herself anymore. But Stephen being there could be helpful… and maybe it would help Wanda begin to gain her self confidence back.

“Of course Stephen can be there, sweetheart. I’m sorry this has been so hard on you,” I told her, opening my arms. She instantly caught my drift and dived back into my arms, snuggling into me as I held her close.

“You’re wonderful, sweetie,” I whispered to her, kissing her forehead before peacefully snuggling with her for a while.

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