Chapter 81

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            "Olive!" Angie shouted the second she saw me as she began to rush forward. She was quick to throw herself in my direction, almost toppling the both of us over. Luckily Loki had been standing directly behind me to steady us as Angie and I held each other like our lives depended on it. Mishka was quick walking in our direction and when he came to a stop next to me I struggled to get Angie to let go so I could hug him.

"Ange, I need to hug Mish," I breathed out. She reluctantly let go and I immediately switched to hugging Mish.

"I'm so sorry, Mish," I whispered as he held me tightly and rested his head atop mine.

"Me too, cupcake," he whispered.

"We should board," Natasha gently reminded us. I nodded as I held back tears threatening to spill. I grabbed Angie and Mishka's hand in each of mine and squeezed before leading them to the plane.

The plane was not like a commercial jet, of course. It had nice seats facing each other and was overall very fancy.

"You're well taken care of, Olive," Angie giggled from next to me causing me to smile. Natasha, Bucky, Steve, Bruce and Loki all boarded the plane with us, Tony having decided to stay behind since so many people were coming with me already. I sat between Mish and Angie for the flight and Loki sat directly across from me. I could tell he was paying meticulous attention to me.

"So, who are all of your friends, cupcake?" Mish questioned with a waggle of his eyebrow. I rolled my eyes at him but turned to look at my beloved Avengers.

"Well, you two have met Natasha," I motioned to her and she nodded to them. "This is Bruce, he is a doctor... Tony asked if he could tag along... perhaps take a look at Ally's record," I said gently as I observed Mish's reactions. He just slowly nodded and I decided to move on.

"And then this is Loki," I commented as I bumped his feet with mine. "He's always making sure I've eaten," I commented with a giggle.

"You and I will get along," Angie commented causing Loki to smile.

"I'm sure we would've gotten along regardless, but it's a pleasure to have something in common," he commented. "Granted, I'm sure my methods can be a little... different," he chuckled.

"Loki!" I scolded as my face began to turn red. He shrugged and smirked at me as Mishka chuckled beside me.

"I only speak the truth Little Lamb," he said dismissively causing me to roll my eyes.

"AND THEN-" I continued, "This is Steve and Bucky. My super soldiers," the last comment slipped out of me causing Steve to blush and Bucky to look at me pridefully.

"Well, they're all yours," Angie commented causing me to choke on my spit for a moment.

"True," Natasha commented causing my face to flush once again.

The rest of the plane ride was a mixture of my friends getting to know my various lovers, laughter, and a general feeling of somberness overtaking the plane.

An Act of... Love? [An Avengers Polyamorous Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now