Chapter 3

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Sabre groaned and slowly woke up. But Blue was gone again. "Huh?" Sabre says. He stood back up. But then he noticed a key on the ground. He picked it up and looked at it. It looked like a normal golden key but it had a few red jewels going down the blade. He stared at the key for a while. "What is this?" He whispers. But then he heard something. He looked up and gasped. Another blacked out figure was there. Sabre backed away. "No..." He says. It walks towards him. Sabre turns to run but he bumps into another one. He starts to panic. He tried to run again but bumped into another. He groans. "Stop!" He cries out. Another figure suddenly appeared. But it was different. Sabre gasped. The figure seemed to be an outline of a Steve. Sabre stared in shock. It pointed at Sabre but then Sabre was engulfed in a bright light. He screamed and covered his eyes.

But then Sabre was dropped somewhere. He looked up confused. He was in a forest area. "Blue?" He says. He stood up. "Blue! Where are you?!" He calls. Blue wasn't there. Sabre looks around. "Anyone?" He says. No response. Sabre sighs. He started walking around to look for someone. Sabre broke some bark off a tree. He was getting frustrated and upset. But then he noticed someone. Sabre gasped. It was a dark figure. It stared at him for a moment. They turned around and ran. "Hey!" Sabre shouts. He followed them.

The figure was running really fast. Sabre tried to keep up. The figure turned to look over its shoulder to see if Sabre was following him. It kept running. Sabre managed to keep up with the figure. But then, Sabre fell into a hole. He screamed, "NO!" Before being engulfed in darkness.

But then, Sabre was dropped somewhere again. He groaned in pain and slowly sat up. But then he gasped. He had been dropped in front of a tombstone. It had Rainbow Steve's name on it. Sabre looked up and noticed that a Rainbow Tree had grown in front of it. Sabre stared at the grave confused and shocked. "Where am I?" He said. He looked around. No one was there. Sabre stood up and looked back at the grave. It said, "In Loving Memory of Rainbow Steve." There were flowers around it and a lantern hanging above it. The rainbow tree had grown very tall. Sabre stared at the grave. "Rainbow... Steve." He says. He remembered Twisted Rainbow. "Twisted?" He said. But then, someone appeared behind him. Sabre gasped and turned around. It was Origin Steve. "What the-" Origin Steve pointed at him. "Why?" Sabre whispers. But then he fell down another hole. Sabre didn't scream though. He was just in shock.

Sabre landed in the center of an area surrounded by portals. Sabre gasped. He slowly sat up. He was at the Rainbow Hub. "The place where we fought?" Sabre whispered to himself. He slowly stood up. No one was around. "What's going on?" He says. Then he hears voices coming from somewhere else in the Hub. "Huh?" Sabre says. He peers around the center of the hub and gasped. A Yellow Steve was there. Sabre huffs. "Hello?!" He shouts. The Yellow Steve looked at him. "Oh hi!" He exclaims. "Oh thank God Steve." Sabre says. The Yellow Steve walks over. "Are you alright?" He asks. "Umm, I dont know. I keep getting sent to multiple places. I was just dropped off here." Sabre says. "Like being sent through portals?" Yellow Steve asks. "Maybe." Sabre says. "Well..." The Yellow Steve stops talking. Sabre stares at him confused. The Yellow Steve's eyes turned red. "You have been." He said in a deeper voice. Sabre gasped. The Yellow Steve grabbed Sabre's arm. "Hey! Stop! Let me go!" Sabre shouts. One of the portals in the Rainbow Hub suddenly opened. The Yellow Steve tossed Sabre towards it. Sabre screams and fell through the portal.

Sabre falls into some water. He quickly swam back up. He looked around. He was being pulled by the strong current in the river. Sabre groaned. He felt really weak right now. He tries to grab the edge but he couldn't get a good grip on it. He looked up and noticed a rock. He reached out for it and tried to grab it. Sabre grabbed it but he almost lost his grip again. He quickly wrapped his arms around the rock to hold onto it. He looked around. He was stuck in what seemed like a large crater. Sabre looked around to try and find a way to get out of the river. The current was really strong. Sabre knew if he let go of the rock, he would be pulled farther down and he doesn't know where the river leads. Sabre could barely hang on to the rock though. He looked over at the edge. It wasn't too far but Sabre had to act fast to get out of the river. He took a deep breath. He put his feet on the side of the rock then quickly pushed himself towards the edge.

Sabre quickly grabbed the edge. He slowly pulled himself out of the river. He fell to the ground. He sighed of relief. He slowly sat up. His clothes were soaked. He tried to stand up but fell again. He was exhausted for some reason. Sabre sighed. But then he heard kids laughing. Sabre gasped. He looked up. There were three young Steves running around in a circle. Sabre stared at them confused. "What?" He whispered. The kids then froze. They all looked at him. But then they disappeared. Sabre gasped. He tried to stand back up. But then he fell again. Sabre groaned in pain. He couldn't move now. His arms and legs were really weak. His vision started to blur. He fell unconscious.


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