Chapter 5

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Sabre woke up a little while later. He groaned and sat up. But then he cried out in pain. He clutched his arm. There was a large cut on his arm. Sabre tried to move his arm but he winced and stopped. He looked around. He was in a large room. He looked up and saw a door. He slowly stood up and walked over to it. He kept holding his arm. Blood was all over his hand now. Sabre grabbed the handle on the door and tried to open it but it wouldn't open. Sabre groaned. "Damn it!" He yells slamming his fist on the door. He fell to the floor and sat up against the door. He groaned in pain. Blood dripped down his arm from the cut. Sabre looked down sadly. He sighed. "Blue... I'll find you... I promise..." He says. "Oh. You won't be finding her, Sabre." Someone says. Sabre gasps and looks up. A Steve was in the distance. Only The Steve was infected with darkness. He was wearing broken armor and he had a gun in his hand. Sabre stared at him. "Who are you?" He asks. "Oh. That's not important. But you should know that you're never going to find your friend." The Steve says. He points the gun at Sabre and shot him in the stomach. Sabre screamed. He coughed up blood onto the floor. The Steve laughed. Sabre coughed again. He looked up. "You... You..." He says. The Steve smirks. "You are dead." He says. He points the gun at Sabre again. Sabre closed his eyes. But before The Steve could shoot Sabre. Something quickly attacks him. Sabre looked up and gasped. The Steve quickly shot the figure attacking him. The figure fell to the floor.  It growled and got back up. It attacked The Steve again. Sabre watched in shock. The figure quickly shot a projectile at Sabre. Sabre gasped. He then fell into darkness again.

Sabre landed in a forest. He groaned and sat up. He looked up confused. He winced and grabbed his arm. His arm was bleeding a lot. He sighed and started walking. He wanted to try and find something. Sabre groaned in pain. But then he heard something. He looked over. Nothing was there. Sabre was shaking now. But then something crashed into a bush near him. Sabre gasped. He looked around for a moment. Then he slowly walked over to the bush. He looked into the bush and gasped. It was a baby fox. It was injured and whining loudly. Sabre looked up. There was a hawk in the sky. Sabre stayed near the bush and waited for the hawk to leave. After a few minutes, the hawk flew away. Sabre looked at the baby fox. He reached into the bush and picked it up. The fox yelped a bit when it was picked up. Sabre stared at it. He held the fox close. The fox whimpered. It had a large wound in its leg. Sabre stared at it sadly. He thought for a moment. He sighed and took off his blindfold then he wrapped it around the fox's leg to stop the bleeding. The fox whined a bit more but didn't struggle. It looked up at Sabre. Sabre sighed and sat down against a tree. He held the fox close. The fox closed its eyes and snuggled up against Sabre's hoodie. Sabre stared at it sadly. The fox fell asleep. Sabre sighed. But then he heard a laugh. Sabre looked up and gasped. The hawk flew down and landed on the ground. But then it turned into the Steve he saw earlier. Sabre stared at him shocked. Then he growled a bit. "Leave this baby alone.." He says. The Steve chuckled. "Who are you?" Sabre asks. The Steve stared at him for a moment. "I am Hex." He says. Sabre gasps. Hex pointed his gun at the fox. Sabre quickly got up and ran with the fox in his arms. Hex followed. Sabre kept running. But then he slipped and fell to the ground. Sabre dropped the fox. He crawled over and grabbed the fox. The fox was whining and shaking in fear. Sabre looked back. Hex was slowly approaching them. Sabre backed away. He growled at Hex some. He quickly stood up and ran. Hex chased after him. Sabre looked up and gasped.

There was a house in the distance. Sabre quickly ran to it. Hex gasped and froze. He disappeared. Sabre ran to the house. He opened the door and ran in. He closed the door quickly. He was panting some. Sabre looked around. The house was empty. Sabre sat down on the couch. He set the fox on his lap. The fox curled up. It was still shaking a lot and whining. Sabre shushes it. "It's okay." He whispers. The fox slowly calmed down. Sabre sighs. But then he heard a meow. Sabre gasped and looked over. A black cat walked into the room. Sabre stared at it shocked. The black cat jumped up onto the couch and rubbed its head against Sabre's arm. Sabre rubbed the cat's head. The cat purred and meowed. Sabre noticed a collar around the cat's neck. He looked at the pendant. It said, 'Lucy' on it. "Lucy?" Sabre says. Lucy meowed. She looked at the fox. She nuzzled the fox a bit. Sabre smiled a bit. He set the fox on the couch. Lucy lied down next to the fox and curled up. Sabre sighed. Lucy noticed Sabre's blindfold wrapped around the fox's leg.

Lucy looked at Sabre and meowed. Sabre looked at her. Lucy jumped down from the couch and ran over to the hallway. She turned back and tilted her head a bit. Sabre stood up. He followed Lucy. Lucy ran to another room. Sabre walked into the room. Lucy jumped up on a table. She was pawing at a drawer. Sabre walked over and opened the drawer. There was a first aid kit in the drawer. Sabre looked at Lucy. Lucy meowed. Sabre smiled and pet her. Lucy purred. Sabre grabbed the first aid kit and walked back into the living room. Lucy followed him. Sabre sat down on the couch. He picked up the fox and took his blindfold off its leg. The fox whined a bit. Sabre set the fox in his lap. He grabbed some stuff from the first aid kit and started treating the fox's leg. The fox whined a bit but let Sabre treat its wound. Sabre eventually finished. He set the fox next to him. The fox curled up and fell asleep.

Lucy jumped up on the couch. Sabre looked at her. Lucy meowed. She got on his lap and put her paws on his chest. Sabre stared at her confused. Lucy meowed. She looked around for a moment. Then she got off Sabre's lap and started running around the house. Sabre stood up. He followed her. Lucy eventually ran to the door and tried to leave. Sabre gasped and picked her up. "You shouldn't go out there. Something is trying to attack me and the fox." He says. Lucy looked at him and meowed sadly. Sabre stared at her. "What's wrong?" He asks. Lucy looked down. She meowed. She got out of Sabre's arms and ran over to a bookshelf. She jumped up and knocked a book down. Sabre walked over. Lucy pushed the book open and used her paw to flip through the pages until she got to a picture of a ladybug. Sabre knelt down. He looked at her confused. Lucy meowed. Sabre looked back at the picture for a moment. Then he gasped. "Shadow... And M?" He asks. Lucy meowed and nodded. She walked over to him and meowed. Sabre sat back on the floor. Lucy got on Sabre's lap and stood up on her hind legs. She lightly tugged on Sabre's blindfold. Sabre gasped. "Oh. I see." He says. He sighed. "I'm not Shadow. He's the shadow version of me. I'm Sabre. He's Shadow Sabre." He says. Lucy looked down and meowed. Sabre pet her. Lucy jumped into his arms. Sabre hugged her close. He sighed sadly.

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