twenty eight: dazed and confused

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chapter title: "dazed and confused" by led zeppelin

"What did he say to you?" James pestered Remus the second the door to the Hog's Head shut behind him. Of course his friends had eagerly waited for him outside the small pub rather than going to Zonko's, despite the obviously hideous attempt at a diversion.

Remus shrugged noncommittally, trying to play it cool as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "I'm seeing him next weekend."

"Ooh! Moony's going on a date!" James sing-songed as he danced around Remus excitedly, oblivious to Sirius' scowl. Remus rolled his eyes, embarrassed at James' excited behaviour, but otherwise used to it as they walked back down to Honeydukes to make their way back to Hogwarts.

"Shit." Peter said suddenly as he stopped in his tracks, flinging out an arm to stop James from walking any further who was just beside him.

"Oof! Pete what's-" James' eyes widened as he looked up at the reason Peter had stopped. "Shit."

Remus and Sirius, who had been walking ahead, were not so lucky as they suddenly faltered to a halt, looking dead in the eyes of  two Hogwarts professors standing right at the door of Honeydukes who had been out passing through the village. Both turned to look in the direction of the Marauders. 

"Quick." Remus muttered, giving Sirius a slight shove. "Head down." He and Sirius hastily walked around the corner with their heads bent, hoping that the professors wouldn't recognise them as they walked away.

"Did they see us?" James muttered to Peter who stood crouching just below him.

"They definitely saw us." Remus groaned as he and Sirius stood flat against the wall whilst James hurriedly pulled the invisibility cloak out from the satchel on his shoulder and threw it around the four of them. They had to all crouch underneath it so as not to show their legs all poking out from the end of the cloak.

The four of them waited with baited breath as the two Hogwarts professors slowly turned back to their discussion before moving to walk away from the sweet shop entrance.

"Quick, now!" Muttered James as they all surged forwards towards the shop to slip quickly and quietly through the door and through to the back of the shop and down to the basement.

It wasn't until they were all safely through the trap door that they finally let themselves breathe.

"That was close." Peter let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't speak too soon," Remus told him, "we need to get back to Hogwarts quickly in case one of the teachers reports us or something. We don't want anyone to come looking for us only for us not to be at school."

Quickly, the four boys made their way through the tunnel and out from behind the one eyed witch statue.

"Really, we couldn't have gone on a Hogsmeade weekend could we?" Sirius complained as they hurried up the steps towards the common room.

"But then Remus might not have got his date!" James argued.

"I'm sure Henry could have asked Remus next weekend." Peter chipped in as James rolled his eyes.

"Hey, it's not like I even knew he was going to ask him anything today!" James said, indignantly.

"Oh please." Remus muttered. "You totally dug me that hole, you all left me!"

"But was it worth it though?" James waggled his eyebrows at Remus.

"I should hope so, Mr Potter." Came a strict voice.

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