thirty five: golden brown

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chapter title: "golden brown" by the stranglers

Dear Moony,
How's life in Wales? You had better tell me all the stuff you've been getting up to. I haven't been doing much to be honest though Mum and Dad have planned for us to go away in a week or so so I just thought I should let you know. I'll still write of course! Might even send you a postcard, you lucky thing! I know you'll be terribly grateful. Anyway, if Padfoot has any issues whilst I'm away, you'll make sure he's okay won't you? I mean of course you will but I'm just worried since I won't be home for two weeks and I worry about him you know? I know you know.
Anyway, the weather is starting to get too hot for playing quidditch and I'm not sure what else to do with myself so I went into muggle town the other day and picked up a few of those records that you and Siri like. I'm currently listening to the Kinks 'cause I found them in a record shop. I don't remember hearing about them but I'm sure you and Padfoot have rambled on about them from time to time but I've just blocked you two out. Anyway, they're really good and I'm trying to get some more ideas for when we get the band back together in September!
Love Prongs.

To Moony,
Hi! How are you doing? Hope your summer is going alright and you're not dying of heat like I am. The weather is boiling, it shouldn't be legal to be this hot. My siblings and I have been just sitting around the house with the muggle air con on 'cause It's too hot to move. Mum bought us all these mini fans last week though so I guess they help a little bit.
I'm going to Tenby for a couple of days next week with the family though so that should be fun. Have you got any interesting plans for the summer? Or are you just going to sit and do Moony things and read your book all the time?
Hope you're doing well,

Dearest Moony,
How are you doing? I hope you're having a good time over in Wales, I'm missing you terribly over here.
Guess what's new? Oh absolutely nothing. Turns out, major plot twist of the century but my family are all unsurprisingly still utter assholes. I have to attend a stupid family dinner on Sunday and wear a ridiculous suit and pretend to be civil with Bella and Cissy for an hour. Merlin help me. Reggie's being a pain in the arse as well. We don't talk much anymore, though I suppose I don't really talk to anyone. It's dead boring and I miss you. You're so much more fun than all these fuckwits. 
I heard Jamie's going away next week though? I don't know if he told you but he's going to be gone for a couple weeks and I was wondering if I could floo over to yours some time? I have no idea what there is to do in Wales so maybe you could show me the sights? If not I can think of plenty of things we could do in your room...
Lots of love, Padfoot.
P.S. On a scale of one to ten, how much do you think it would annoy Wally if I wore my nail varnish to the family dinner on Sunday?

Dear Prongs,
Life in Wales is pretty great. It's very quiet over here though, nothing like Hogwarts where you and Siri are causing havoc wherever you go. It's almost too quiet here without you guys and I'm not sure I'm quite used to it yet. I'm sure it wont take me too long though...
Where are you going with your parents? Hope you lot have fun! And yeah, don't worry, I'll keep checking in on Siri. He wrote the other day asking if we could "see the sights of Wales" together for a bit since you're away, so that might be a good idea. It's probably best he stays away from the house for as long as possible....
I'm glad you're finally getting into muggle music though! The Kinks are pretty good, and you have heard them plenty of times before. I have their "Something Else" album which I have played on numerous occasions where you probably weren't paying attention. Maybe see if you can get some Bowie or Queen? We always sing their songs well. And if we're trying something we haven't done as much then you should definitely take a look at some Slade or T.Rex.
Hope you're having a good time, 
Love Moony.

Dear Wormtail,
The weather here is pretty warm too, and it's getting hotter everyday, I could use one of you little fans, where did your mum get them from?! My mum is always baking too so the kitchen is sweltering and I have to stay up in my room or in the garden in the shade where it's cooler. I honestly don't know how she stands it in there! On the bright side she did make a rather delicious chocolate cake this morning that I know you'd be rather jealous of.She is very good at baking and it's possible I might have eaten half of it already....
Hope you have fun in Tenby! What day are you going? You'd better tell me all about the things you get up to. But no, I'm not doing anything that would probably excite you though I think Siri is coming round some time next week so hopefully that should be some fun. And yes, I have been reading a lot now that I've managed to accumulate some time away from prank pulling and band practise thank you very much, though Jamie can't seem to put it to rest, he's been out buying muggle records! Did he tell you?
Love, Moony.

Dear Padfoot,
Wales is alright but I miss you too, silly. Who would have guessed that your family are still assholes? Personally I never would have seen it coming. Good luck with the family dinner by the way, I bet that's going to be heaps of fun. Don't do anything stupid though, maybe just try and keep out of trouble? I know that's near impossible for you, but seriously, yes seriously,  do try and steer away from getting beaten around the head by that psychopath. You're welcome to come round here anytime you want, the floo is open so I've left the floo address on the other side of this letter. I'm sure there are plenty of places I can show you around when you get here.... Take that as you will.
And yes, Prongs did mention going away for a bit, and Pete's going away too so it looks like it's just you and me for a bit if you did decide to come over.
All my love, Moony.
P.S. For the love of Merlin, please don't paint your nails or wear eye makeup or any insane outfits whilst you're at a family dinner? As sexy and alluring as you look, I'm not sure you're family would appreciate it... Save all that for when you're around me. Trust me, I appreciate it a lot more.

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