So, what now?: Part 2

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The final puppet had finally been turned back to normal, and the witch ran off to join the large crowd of the other freed civilians. The Collector dusted off his hands happily, and turned to Lilith with a smile on his face... That Lilith did not return, and simply averted her eyes from his gaze.

"So, we did it Lily! Everyone's back to-" The Collector was cut off as Lilith swiftly turned to him, "Don't call me that. Just Lilith is fine." she interrupted.

"Um, okay... Lilith. We've turned everyone back to normal! Isn't that great?" The Collector exclaimed, looking at Lilith expectantly.

"It's a start. We still have the Isles that you nearly destroyed to rebuild." Lilith reminded him.

The Collector simply nodded, though he hid his slight disappointment at Lilith brushing him off. He was trying, couldn't she see that?

"But that'll be easy! We got-" The Collector began, only for Lilith to interrupt him again.

"No, it won't be easy. Especially with how much damage YOU caused to the Isles in the first place!" Lilith exclaimed, clear distain in her voice.

The Collector winced a bit from Lilith's tone. He didn't understand why she was being so hostile towards him. The Collector knew that he did a lot of bad things, but he regretted doing them and was trying to make up for it.

"I-I was just saying because we have everyone back to normal... We'll have a lot of help!" The Collector explained.

Lilith seemed to acknowledge his statement, but didn't say anything in response as she turned to look at the crowd. After a moment, Amity came back up from the crowd and over to Lilith and the Collector.

"So, everyone's back to normal now?" She asked the two, to which they both nodded.

"Yes, from what we can tell..." Lilith said, before sighing, "...Except for one that is missing".

Amity was concerned, one of the puppets was missing?

"Which puppet's gone?" Amity inquired.

"We couldn't find the weird owl tube thin-" The Collector began, before Lilith swiftly turned to him.

"His name is Hootsifer!" She snapped, making the Collector shut up.

"Oh... Him." Amity said, surprised.

She remembered Hooty, assuming that's who Lilith was referring to. She thought he had just sorta, vanished, after the events of the Day of Unity.

"Where could he have gone? It's not like he could have gotten far... Especially if he got turned into a puppet." Amity remarked.

"We have no idea, we've searched everywhere in the Archives..." Lilith explained, sighing once again as she looked down.

"I see. Well, I'm sure he'll turn up eventually!" Amity reasoned, trying to cheer Lilith up.

It seemed to do the trick as Lilith took a deep breath, and looked back up at her old pupil.

"You're right. I'm sure he will eventually." Lilith paused, "Come on, let's go check on my sister".

Amity nodded, "Yeah, let's go. Collector, would you mind giving us a ride?" she asked the star child.

But she didn't get an answer, as the Collector was lost in thought, seemingly trying to remember something.

"Collector? You okay?" Amity asked him, as he finally seemed to realize she was talking to him.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. Here, you can take a star." The Collector replied, snapping his fingers as a star platform manifested in front of the three.

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