Chapter 5

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AN: Part 2 of episode 2. Hope you like it


Y/n POV:

"Our next book is Catcher in the Rye. Now..." Mr. Gitten was giving his lesson in class.

"Do you have a tampon?" Ginny asked me and Maxine.

I shock my head, but Maxine nodded and gave her one. I don't wear tampons. (If you do, ignore that)

" Salinger's gentle hand guiding us..." Mr. Gitten kept on talking.

"Thanks." Ginny said, as she raised her hand.

"When I look in the mirror, I basically... Yes?" Mr. Gitten said.

"May I go to the restroom?" Ginny ask, politely.

"You had ten minutes before class, but fine. Yes, go." He said sighing at first. I mean I understood why, but damn.

"I basically see myself when I see Holden Caulfield..." Mr Gitten continue until we hear Ginny trip and throw her tampon to Hunter, only for him to hand it back to her, to which she grabbed and immediately left.

I have to say, it was kinda funny, but if I were in her position, I know how embarrassed I would be.

After class, I was able to prevent from being dragged by Maxine and go straight to Marcus. When I saw him with his arms open towards me. I ran towards him and hugged him. He chuckled and smiled, kissing my head.

After school, I dropped off Marcus, after our little make out session in the car. I went home after that.

When I arrived home, I went to my room and did my homework until I heard my mom.

"Mija, Ya llegué. Tienes hambre?" My mom said. (Mija, I'm here. Are you hungry)

"Si Ma, si tengo hambre." I said and got up from the bed and walked downstairs to see her stressed. (Yes mom, yes I'm hungry)

"Estás bien? Te miras muy estresada" I said. (Are you okay? You look really stressed)

"Si, si, solo es trabajo." She told me. (Yes, yes, It's just work)

"Siéntate, yo hago decomer pues." I said. (Sit down, I'll make food then)

"Estas segura?" She said. (Are you sure?)

"Si, estoy segura." I said. (Yes, I am sure)

I smiled at her when she went to the living room and relax. I walked to the kitchen and started making food.

After the food was ready and after we ate, mom wanted to clean the dishes. I nodded and went to my room. I changed into so PJ's, went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I laid in bed, texting Marcus until it was time to go to sleep.

The next day at school, I was at my locker room, putting my stuff away after a long day of school. I walked up to Ginny and smiled.

"Hey" I said.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Hey"

"I heard what happened with Abby and Norah. I'm sorry for what they did. If you want you can come and hang around with me. I don't mind." I told her.

"I- Uh...I'll think about it. But thank you." She said. I nodded at her and smiled.

"Of course. If there is anything you want to do, tell me." I said.

"Mmm-hmm. I will." She said.

"♪ I got the lead! ♪
♪ I got the lead! ♪
♪ I got the lead! ♪
♪ I got the lead! ♪" Maxine said somewhat signing, but totally dancing.

Disloyal or Betrayed || Marcus BakerWhere stories live. Discover now