Chapter 21

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Y/n POV: 

I was driving home. I tried to stop myself from crying but it hurt too much to bear. The tears just kept coming in and I was unable to stop thinking. 

I kept holding the steering wheel tightly, crying to calm myself down by breathing in and out.

I was having a panic attack, and having this mental breakdown. It's the worse feeling. My mind wouldn't stop spinning, my head hurts so much. 

I feel like I forgot how to breath, I don't know. Everything is just getting blurry at this point. 

I blinked a few times to get rid of the blurriness, but by the time it got my vision back to normal.

Everything went dark. I don't know what happen, but I felt more relax than how I started.

I feel at peace, it just feels nice in whatever black void I am in. I let myself be free. I didn't want to feel the horrible pain I was feeling just a few seconds ago. 


3rd POV: 

We all know what happened. She got into a car accident. 

She was taken by an ambulance to the hospital immediately. She was losing a lot of blood. The paramedics kept trying to stop her from bleeding on their way to the hospital.

Glass shreds stabbed into her body. Some wear minor but two were big and it stabbed her in the stomach and leg.

The paramedics didn't bother to remove the glass shred because it will cause more problems, but they did remove the minor one that they were able remove and attend to. She had a few scratches on her face and arms. 

When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, she was immediately rushed inside for surgery.

They called her dad and explained to him as to what happened, but when he arrived they were already done with the surgery.

The doctor and Y/n's dad were outside of Y/n's hospital room.

"She's alright for now, she had 2 major stabbed wounds, but we were able to deal with them in the surgical room. It was difficult to be able to attend them and keep her alive at the same with the amount of blood she was losing. She will need a lot of rest. She won't be able to properly walk for a few weeks, maybe a month or two, but we will give her some crutches. She will have a scar on her cheek because of a deep cut she had received." The doctor said, reading off his clipboard. "She will also be getting painful headaches, so we will give you a pill description for her. Make sure she doesn't stress at all. It won't help her mental health and she won't be able to properly heal." 

Mr. (L/n) nodded at the doctor. "When will she be discharged?" He asked the doctor. 

"She will be able to go home I'll say maybe in 2 days if not then maybe tomorrow. I'd have to run some test to be sure she will be able to go back to home. I'll write her a note for school, so she won't gain a lot of homework. Be sure she shows it to them. I know how some teachers think the note if for them." The doctor said.

Mr. (L/n) nodded. "Alright, thank you very much doctor."  He said.

"Of course." The doctor said.

When the doctor said that, he left and Mr. (L/n) went into the room, he grabbed the chair and moved it closer to his daughter's hospital bed. 

He held her hand, tearing up. Wondering what had happened. He didn't want to lose his only child left the same way he lost his first child. 

If he lost his second child he has no idea how he would be able to handle himself. Knowing that his ex wife wouldn't really care due to the fact the she immediately left after the divorce. 

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